William Henry Fox Talbot

Standard Name: Talbot, William Henry Fox


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Anna Atkins
AA also continued into her forties her self-education in the new subject of photography. In 1841 she was experimenting with camera work as developed by William Henry Fox Talbot in the form of photograms produced...
Textual Production Anna Atkins
It appeared before Fox Talbot 's The Pencil of Nature, 1844-6, which does not therefore, technically, deserve being called, as it sometimes is, the first photobook. But his work, unlike Atkins's, was commercially...


25 January 1839: William Henry Fox Talbot's invention, photogenic...

Building item

25 January 1839

William Henry Fox Talbot 's invention, photogenic drawing (using what later became known as a photographic negative), was exhibited by Michael Faraday to the Royal Society in London.

1840: Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot invented...

Building item


Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot invented the calotype system of photography.

24 June 1844-April 1846: William Henry Fox Talbot published Pencil...

Writing climate item

24 June 1844-April 1846

William Henry Fox Talbot published Pencil of Nature, the first mainstream book to feature photographic illustrations.

May 1846: A magazine called The Art Union published...

Building item

May 1846

A magazine called The Art Union published a calotype photograph by William Henry Fox Talbot ; this involved printing about 7,000 photographs from several negatives and hand-pasting them into copies.

1847: The Calotype Club was founded to practice...

Building item


The Calotype Club was founded to practice and promote Talbot 's method of photography.

1851: Frederick Scott Archer invented the wet colloidon...

Building item


Frederick Scott Archer invented the wet colloidon photographic process, which soon overtook other methods.

December 1854: William Henry Fox Talbot lost the case by...

Building item

December 1854

William Henry Fox Talbot lost the case by which he tried to retain control over all photographic innovations stemming from his early discoveries: freed from licensing, photography now proliferated rapidly.


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