Legitimation League


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Mona Caird
MC stepped into the public eye in the 1880s as a radical member of the women's movement, a supporter of all kinds of linked causes. An article in the Review of Reviews in 1893 equated...
politics Jane Hume Clapperton
JHC supported the Legitimation League , a society that advocated the equal treatment of illegitimate children and championed freedom in sexual relations, and the Malthusian League , which campaigned for preventative checks, or the...


June 1897: The first issue of The Adult, a periodical...

Building item

June 1897

The first issue of The Adult, a periodical from the Legitimation League , appeared: it campaigned for the rights of the illegitimate and for sex education.

31 May 1898: George Bedborough, secretary of the Legitimation...

Building item

31 May 1898

George Bedborough , secretary of the Legitimation League which sought to change the law to improve the position of illegitimate children, was arrested, largely in an attempt to damage the League through him.

30 October 1898: George Bedborough avoided trial for publishing...

Writing climate item

30 October 1898

George Bedborough avoided trial for publishing an obscene libel (regarding volumes in Havelock Ellis 's series Studies in the Psychology of Sex, and the Legitimation League 's journal The Adult) by pleading guilty...


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