Bell and Daldy


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Publishing Adelaide Procter
According to Bessie Rayner Parkes , Procter had to be urged to publish the collection. The first series, which was issued at a price of 5 shillings by Bell and Daldy , had another edition...


No timeline events available.


Alexander, Cecil Frances. The Legend of the Golden Prayers, and Other Poems. Bell and Daldy, 1859.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia. A Flat Iron for a Farthing. Bell and Daldy, 1873.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia. Melchior’s Dream, and Other Tales. Bell and Daldy, 1862.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia et al. Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances. Bell and Daldy, 1869.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia. The Brownies, and Other Tales. Bell and Daldy, 1870.
Gatty, Margaret. A Book of Emblems. Bell and Daldy, 1872.
Gatty, Margaret, and Clara S. Lane. Aunt Judy’s Letters. Bell and Daldy, 1862.
Gatty, Margaret, editor. Aunt Judy’s Magazine. Bell and Daldy.
Gatty, Margaret, and Clara S. Lane. Aunt Judy’s Tales. Bell and Daldy, 1859.
Gatty, Margaret, and Clara S. Lane. The Human Face Divine and Other Tales. Bell and Daldy, 1860.
Greenwell, Dora. Carmina Crucis. Bell and Daldy, 1869.
Leadbeater, Mary. The Leadbeater Papers. The Annals of Ballitore. Bell and Daldy, 1862.
Meteyard, Eliza. Wedgwood and His Works. Bell and Daldy, 1873.
Parkes, Bessie Rayner. Ballads and Songs. Bell and Daldy, 1863.
Procter, Adelaide. Legends and Lyrics. Bell and Daldy, 1858.
Procter, Adelaide. Legends and Lyrics. Bell and Daldy, 1861.
Procter, Adelaide et al. Legends and Lyrics. Bell and Daldy, 1866.
Roberts, Margaret. Denise. Bell and Daldy, 1863.
Smedley, Menella Bute. The Story of Queen Isabel, and Other Verses. Bell and Daldy, 1863.
Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the Last Four Princesses of the Royal House of Stuart. Bell and Daldy, 1872.
Strickland, Agnes, and Elizabeth Strickland. The Lives of the Seven Bishops Committed to the Tower in 1688. Bell and Daldy, 1866.
Æschylus,. The Agamemnon, Choephori, and Eumenides of Aeschylus. Translator Swanwick, Anna, Bell and Daldy, 1865.
Æschylus,. The Dramas of Æchylus. Translator Swanwick, Anna, Bell and Daldy, 1873.