Mannin, Ethel. South to Samarkand. Jarrolds, 1936.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Mannin, Ethel. The Late Miss Guthrie. Hutchinson, 1976.
Mannin, Ethel. The Pure Flame. Jarrolds, 1936.
Mannin, Ethel. This was a Man. Jarrolds, 1952.
Mannin, Ethel. Venetian Blinds. Jarrolds, 1933.
Mannin, Ethel. Venetian Blinds. Hutchinson, 1972.
Mannin, Ethel. Women and the Revolution. Secker and Warburg, 1938.
Mannin, Ethel. Young in the Twenties. Hutchinson, 1971.
Manning, Anne. A Noble Purpose Nobly Won. Hall, Virtue, 1862, 2 vols.
Manning, Anne. A Sister’s Gift. 1826.
Manning, Anne. An Idyl of the Alps. Hall, 1876.
Manning, Anne. Stories from the History of Italy. 1831.
Manning, Anne. The Chronicles of Merry England. Hall, Virtue, 1854.
Manning, Anne. The Household of Sir Thomas More. Hall, Virtue, 1851.
Manning, Anne. The Ladies of Bever Hollow. R. Bentley, 1858, 2 vols.
Manning, Anne. The Lincolnshire Tragedy. R. and Son, 1866.
Manning, Anne. The Maiden & Married Life of Mary Powell, Afterwards Mistress Milton. Hall, Virtue, 1849.
Manning, Anne. Village Belles. Baldwin and Cradock, 1833, 3 vols.
Manning, Kate. “The liberation of sex”. Guardian Weekly, 7 Nov. 2014, p. 36.
Manning, Maurice, and Margaret MacCurtain. “Women in Irish National and Local Politics 1922-77”. Women in Irish Society: The Historical Dimension, edited by Donncha Ó Corráin, Greenwood, 1979.
Manning, Olivia. A Different Face. Heinemann, 1953.
Manning, Olivia. A Romantic Hero. Heinemann, 1967.
Manning, Olivia. A Romantic Hero. Mandarin, 1992.
Manning, Olivia. Artist among the Missing. Heinemann, 1949.
Manning, Olivia. Friends and Heroes. Heinemann, 1965.
Manning, Olivia. Growing Up. Heinemann, 1948.
Manning, Olivia. School for Love. Heinemann, 1951.
Manning, Olivia. The Balkan Trilogy. Penguin, 1981.
Manning, Olivia. The Battle Lost and Won. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1978.
Manning, Olivia. The Danger Tree. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1977.
Manning, Olivia. The Doves of Venus. Heinemann, 1955.
Manning, Olivia. The Dreaming Shore. Evans Brothers, 1950.
Manning, Olivia. The Great Fortune. Heinemann, 1960.
Manning, Olivia. The Play Room. Heinemann, 1969.
Manning, Olivia. The Rain Forest. Heinemann, 1974.
Manning, Olivia. The Remarkable Expedition. Heinemann, 1947.
Manning, Olivia. The Spoilt City. Heinemann, 1962.
Manning, Olivia. The Sum of Things. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980.
Manning, Olivia. The Wind Changes. Jonathan Cape, 1937.
Manning, Olivia, and Isobel English. The Wind Changes. Virago, 1988.
Manning, Susan. “Julie de Roubigné: Last Gasp, or First Fruits?”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2001, pp. 161-73. Mannocchi, Phyllis. “’Vernon Lee’: A Reintroduction and Primary Bibliography”. English Literature in Transition, Vol.
, No. 4, 1983, pp. 231-67. Mano, Fort. “GBS and Laura Ormiston Chant—Man and Superwoman”. Independent Shavian, Vol.
, No. 1-2, 1999, pp. 21-4. Manoff, Marlene. “Archives and Database as Metaphor: Theorizing the Historical Record”. Libraries and the Academy, Vol.
, No. 10, Oct. 2010, p. 385398. Mansel, Henry Longueville. “Sensation Novels”. Quarterly Review, Vol.
, Apr. 1863, pp. 481-14. Mansfield, Katherine. Bliss and Other Stories. 1st ed., Constable, 1920.
Mansfield, Katherine. In a German Pension. Stephen Swift, 1911.
Mansfield, Katherine. Je ne parle pas français. 1st ed., Heron Press, 1920.
Mansfield, Katherine. Journal of Katherine Mansfield. Editor Murry, John Middleton, Constable and Company, 1927.
Mansfield, Katherine. Novels & Novelists. Editor Murry, John Middleton, Beacon Press, 1930.