Mordaunt, Elinor. Rosemary. Thomas C. Lothian; Walter Scott Publishing, 1909.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Mordaunt, Elinor. Sinabada. M. Joseph, 1937.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Family. Methuen, 1915.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Further Venture Book. John Lane, 1926.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Garden of Contentment. Heinemann, 1902.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Park Wall. Cassell, 1916.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Pendulum. Cassell.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Processionals. Cassell, 1918.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Rose of Youth. Cassell, 1915.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Tales of Elinor Mordaunt. Martin Secker, 1934.
Mordaunt, Elinor. The Venture Book. John Lane, 1926.
Mordaunt, Elinor, and Nora S. Unwin. To Sea! To Sea!. Frederick Muller, 1943.
More, Hannah. A Search after Happiness. S. Farley, 1773.
More, Hannah. An Essay on the Character and Practical Writings of Saint Paul. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1815, 2 vols.
More, Hannah. An Estimate of the Religion of the Fashionable World. T. Cadell, 1791.
More, Hannah. Bishop Bonner’s Ghost. Strawberry Hill Press, 1789.
More, Hannah, editor. Cheap Repository Tracts. S. Hazard; J. Marshall and R. White, 1798.
More, Hannah. Christian Morals. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1813, 2 vols.
More, Hannah. Coelebs in Search of a Wife. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1808, 2 vols.
More, Hannah. Essays on Various Subjects. J. Wilkie, T. Cadell, 1777.
More, Hannah. Florio: A Tale, for Fine Gentlemen and Fine Ladies; and, The Bas Bleu; or, Conversation. T. Cadell, 1786.
More, Hannah. Hints Towards Forming the Character of a Young Princess. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1805, 2 vols.
More, Hannah. Moral Sketches of Prevailing Opinions and Manners, Foreign and Domestic. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1819.
More, Hannah. Ode to Dragon. T. Cadell, 1777.
More, Hannah. Percy. T. Cadell, 1778.
More, Hannah. Poems. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1816.
More, Hannah. Practical Piety; or, The Influence of the Religion of the Heart on the Conduct of Life. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1811, 2 vols.
More, Hannah. Questions and Answers for the Mendip Sunday Schools. J. Binns, 1795.
More, Hannah. Remarks on the Speech of M. Dupont. T. Cadell, 1793.
More, Hannah. Sacred Dramas. T. Cadell, 1782.
More, Hannah. Selected Writings of Hannah More. Editor Hole, Robert, W. Pickering, 1996.
More, Hannah. Sir Eldred of the Bower; and, The Bleeding Rock. T. Cadell, 1776, http://McMaster University has rare 2nd ed.
More, Hannah. Slavery. T. Cadell, 1788.
More, Hannah. Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. T. Cadell, Jun. and W. Davies, 1799, 2 vols.
More, Hannah. Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education. Cambridge University Press, 2010, 2 vols. ,
More, Hannah. The Fatal Falsehood. T. Cadell, 1779.
More, Hannah. The Inflexible Captive. S. Farley, 1774.
More, Hannah. The Literary Manuscripts and Letters of Hannah More. Editor Smith, Nicholas D., Ashgate, 2008.
More, Hannah. The Spirit of Prayer. T. Cadell, 1825.
More, Hannah. The Village Disputants. J. Hatchard, 1817.
More, Hannah. The Works of Hannah More. T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1801, 8 vols.
More, Hannah. Thoughts on the Importance of the Manners of the Great to general Society. T. Cadell, 1788.
More, Hannah. Village Politics. F. and C. Rivington, 1793.
More, Hannah, and William, 1767 - 1849 Roberts. Works. H. Fisher, R. Fisher, and P. Jackson, 1834.
More, Mary, and Robert Whitehall. The Woman’s Right.
More, Mary. To the most Ingenious Mr. Robert Whitehall, Fellow of Merton College in Oxon.
More, Sir Thomas. The Complete Works of St. Thomas More. Yale University Press, 1997.
Moretti, Franco. Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. Verso, 2005.
Morgan, Adrian. “British Libel Law—Suppression of Truth in the US and UK?”. Campus Watch: Monitoring Middle East Studies on Campus, 3 Mar. 2008.
Morgan, Charles. “Mrs Belloc Lowndes’s Plays”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1510, 8 Jan. 1931, p. 27.