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Macleod, Emma Vincent. “A city invincible? Edinburgh and the war against Revolutionary France”. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2000, pp. 153-66.
MacLeod, Kirsten. “Marie Corelli and Fin-de-Siecle Francophobia: The Absinthe Trail of French Art”. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, Vol.
, No. 1, 2000, pp. 66-82.
MacLiammóir, Micheál, and Eavan Boland. W.B. Yeats and His World. Thames and Hudson, 1971.
Macmillan, Chrystal, and Eunice Guthrie Murray. “Letters to the Editor: Woman Suffrage”. Times, 2 Dec. 1907, p. 12.
MacMillan, Douglas. Catalogue of the Larpent Plays in the Huntington Library. Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, 1939.
MacMillan, Duncan. Scottish Art, 1460-1990. Mainstream Publishing, 1990.
Macmillan, Hugh. The Life Work of George Frederic Watts, R.A. 2nd ed., J. M. Dent, 1906.
MacMillan, Margaret. Paris 1919. Random House, 2003.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. A Green Englishman. Smith, Elder and Co., 1914.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. A Lame Dog’s Diary. W, Heinemann, 1905.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. A Lame Dog’s Diary. Dodd, Mead & Company, 1906.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. “A Novel in a Nutshell: Two Flats”. The Sketch, Vol.
, No. 218, 31 Mar. 1897, p. 424.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. A Woman’s Diary of the War. Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1915.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. “At a Suffrage Meeting”. Woman’s Leader and the Common Cause, Vol.
, No. 224, 25 July 1913, p. 271.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. “Consolation”. Temple Bar, Vol.
, No. 532, Mar. 1905, pp. 322-7.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Four-Chimneys: A Novel. T. Nelson and Sons, 1912.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. “In a Hill-Side Cottage”. Temple Bar, Vol.
, No. 500, July 1902, pp. 66-77.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. “In the Knowledge and Love of God”. The Girl’s Own Paper, No. 873, 19 Sept. 1896, pp. 804-5.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. My Canadian Memories. Editor Home, Beatrice, Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1920.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. My War Experiences in Two Continents. Editor Keays-Young, Betty, John Murray, 1919.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Peter and Jane. Methuen, 1911.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Peter and Jane. Dodd, Mead & Company, 1912.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Selah Harrison. T. Nelson and Sons, 1908.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Snow upon the Desert. Hodder and Stoughton, 1913.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Some Elderly People and their Young Friends. Smith, Elder and Co., 1915.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. The Andersons. J. Murray, 1910.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. The Expensive Miss Du Cane. W. Heinemann, 1907.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. The Fortune of Christina M’Nab. Methuen and Co., 1901.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. The Fortune of Christina M’Nab. T. Nelson and Sons, 1910.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. The Gift. Hodder and Stoughton, 1904.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. The Gift. T. Nelson and Sons, 1907.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. They Who Question. Macmillan, 1914.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Three Miss Graemes. E. P. Dutton, 1908.
Macnaughtan, Sarah. Us Four. John Murray, 1909.
MacNaughton, Angus. Burns’ Mrs Riddell. A Biography. Volturna Press, 1975.
Macpherson, Kenneth, editor. Close Up. Pool, 10 vols.
MacQueen, Angus. “Stuck in the middle of great-power games”. Guardian Weekly, 27 Nov. 2003, p. 16.
Macqueen-Pope, Walter James. Ladies First: The Story of Woman’s Conquest of the British Stage. W. H. Allen, 1952.
Macquoid, Katharine S. A Bad Beginning. Smith, Elder, 1862, 2 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S. A Faithful Lover. Hurst and Blackett, 1882, 3 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S., and Thomas R. Macquoid. About Yorkshire. Chatto and Windus, 1883.
Macquoid, Katharine S. At an Old Chateau. Ward and Downey, 1891.
Macquoid, Katharine S. At the Red Glove. Ward and Downey, 1885, 3 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S. By the Sea. Smith, Elder, 1864, 2 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S. Doris Barugh. Hurst and Blackett, 1878, 3 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S. Her Sailor Love. Hurst and Blackett, 1883, 3 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S. His Last Card. Ward and Downey, 1895.
Macquoid, Katharine S. et al. In the Volcanic Eifel. Hutchinson, 1896.
Macquoid, Katharine S. Lost Rose and Other Stories. 1876, 3 vols.
Macquoid, Katharine S. Louisa. R. Bentley, 1885, 3 vols.