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Montgomery, L. M. The Golden Road. L. C. Page, 1913.
Montgomery, L. M. The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery. Editors Rubio, Mary and Elizabeth Waterston, Oxford University Press, 2004, 5 vols.
Montgomery, L. M. The Story Girl. L. C. Page, 1911.
Moodie, Susanna. Enthusiasm, and Other Poems. Smith, Elder, 1831.
Moodie, Susanna. Flora Lyndsay; or, Passages in an Eventful Life. R. Bentley, 1854, 2 vols.
Moodie, Susanna. Geoffrey Moncton; or, The Faithless Guardian. DeWitt and Davenport, 1855.
Moodie, Susanna. George Leatrim; or, The Mother’s Test. Hamilton, 1875.
Moodie, Susanna. Life in the Clearings versus the Bush. R. Bentley, 1853.
Moodie, Susanna. Mark Hurdlestone, the Gold Worshipper. R. Bentley, 1853, 2 vols.
Moodie, Susanna. Matrimonial Speculations. R. Bentley, 1854.
Moodie, Susanna et al. Patriotic Songs. J. Green, 1830.
Moodie, Susanna et al. Patriotic Songs, 1830.
Moodie, Susanna. Roughing It in the Bush. R. Bentley, 1852, 2 vols.
Moodie, Susanna, and Susan Glickman. Roughing It in the Bush. McClelland and Stewart, 1989.
Moodie, Susanna. Spartacus. A. K. Newman, 1822.
Moodie, Susanna, and Elizabeth Strickland. The Little Prisoner; or, Passion and Patience; and, Amendment; or, Charles Grant and his Sister. Dean and Munday, 1828.
Moodie, Susanna. The World Before Them. R. Bentley, 1867, 3 vols.
Moody, Christopher Lake, and A Lady. “Preface”. A Sketch of Modern France, edited by Christopher Lake Moody and Christopher Lake Moody, Cadell and Davies, 1798, p. iii - viii.
Moody, Elizabeth, and George Miller. “Anna’s Complaint; or, The Miseries of War”. War a System of Madness and Irreligion, 1796.
Moody, Elizabeth. Poetic Trifles. Cadell and Davies, 1798.
Moody, Elizabeth. The Temptation; or, Satan in the Country. T. Cadell, 1781.
Moody, Ellen. “I On Myself Can Live. A Literary Biography of Anne Finch’s Life (never-completed)”. Ellen Moody’s Website.
Moody, Jane. “Illusions of authorship”. Women and Playwriting in Nineteenth-Century Britain, edited by Tracy C. Davis and Ellen Donkin, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 99-124.
Hoby, Margaret. “Introduction and Editorial Materials”. The Private Life of an Elizabethan Lady: The Diary of Lady Margaret Hoby, 1599-1605, edited by Joanna Moody, Sutton, 1998, p. xv - lvii.
Moody, Joycelyn K. “Biography of an autobiography”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 3, Dec. 2004, pp. 4-5.
Moody, Theodore William et al., editors. A New History of Ireland. Clarendon, 1976, 10 vols.
Moody, Theodore William, and James Camlin Beckett. Queen’s, Belfast 1845-1949: The History of a University. Faber and Faber, 1959.
Moore, Andrew. “Gillian Clarke: Study Guide”. Andrew Moore’s teaching resource site.
Moore, Caroline. “Review: The Birthday Present by Barbara Vine”. The Telegraph, 31 Aug. 2008.
Moore, Cerwyn. Contemporary Violence: Postmodern War in Kosovo and Chechnya. Manchester University Press, 2010.
Moore, David Cresap. The Politics of Deference: A Study of the Mid-Nineteenth Century English Political System. Harvester Press, 1976.
Moore, Doris Langley. Ada, Countess of Lovelace: Byron’s Legitimate Daughter. Harper and Row, 1977.
Moore, Edith Mary. A Wilful Widow. Constable, 1913.
Moore, Edith Mary. Dismas. John Heritage, 1935.
Moore, Edith Mary. Teddy R.N.D. Hodder and Stoughton, 1917.
Moore, Edith Mary. The Blind Marksman. Hodder and Stoughton.
Moore, Edith Mary. The Defeat of Woman. C.W. Daniel Co., 1935.
Moore, Edith Mary. The Idealist and Mary Treherne. George Allen and Sons, 1910.
Moore, Edith Mary. The Lure of Eve. Cassell and Co., 1909.
Moore, Edith Mary. The Spirit and the Law. Chapman and Hall, 1916.
Moore, Edith Mary. The Wrong Side of Destiny. Cassell and Co., 1909.
Moore, Edward, editor. The World. R. and J. Dodsley, 4 vols.
Moore, George Augustus. Letters to Lady Cunard 1895-1933. Editor Hart-Davis, Rupert, R. Hart-Davis, 1957.
Moore, Henry, 1751 - 1844, and Mary Bosanquet Fletcher. “Preface”. The Life of Mrs. Mary Fletcher, edited by Henry, 1751 - 1844 Moore and Henry, 1751 - 1844 Moore, T. Mason and G. Lane, 1837, pp. 3-12.
Moore, Jane, b. 1962. “An other space: a future for feminism?”. New Feminist Discourses, edited by Isobel Armstrong, Routledge, 1992, pp. 65-79.
Moore, John Robert. A Checklist of the Writings of Daniel Defoe. Indiana University Press, 1960.
Moore, Judith. “The Duchess of Newcastle as Seventeenth-Century Writer and Twentieth-Century Feminist”. British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS) Conference, Oxford.
Moore, Lisa L. Dangerous Intimacies: Towards a Sapphic History of the British Novel. Duke University Press, 1997.
Moore, Marianne. Collected Poems. Faber and Faber, 1951.
Moore, Marianne. New Collected Poems. Editor White, Heather Cass, Faber and Faber, 2017.