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Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Mills, Mara. “Our Computing Kin”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
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Mills, Rebecca. "Thanks for that Elegant Defense": Polemical Prose and Poetry by Women in the Early Eighteenth Century. Oxford University, 2000.
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Mills, Sue. “Email about Anne Steele to Isobel Grundy”. Isobel Grundy.
Milman, Oliver. “California fires set bleak record as 4m acres destroyed”. The Guardian,
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Miner, Valerie. “The Journey Into the Unknown”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol.
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Minifie, Margaret. Barford Abbey. T. Cadell and J. Payne, 1768, 2 vols.
Minifie, Margaret. Coombe Wood. R. Baldwin, 1783, 2 vols.
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Minns, Raynes. Bombers and Mash: The Domestic Front 1939-45. Virago, 1980.
Mirrlees, Hope. A Fly in Amber. Faber and Faber, 1962.
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Mirrlees, Hope. Paris. L. and V. Woolf at the Hogarth Press.
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Mirzoeff, Nicholas. “Revolution, Representation, Equality: Gender, Genre, and Emulation in the Académie Royale de Peinture et Sculpture, 1785-93”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
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Mistry, Rohinton. “Oh, what a sorry book-burning spectacle”. The Globe and Mail, 20 Oct. 2010, p. A17.
Mitchell, Beverley. Ethel Wilson and her Works. ECW Press, 1984.
Mitchell, Charlotte. “Any literary letters?”. The National Trust Magazine, Vol.
, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 2003, pp. 85-7. Mitchell, Charlotte. Caroline Clive, 1801-1873, A Bibliography. Victorian Fiction Research Unit, Department of English, The University of Queenland, 1999.
Mitchell, Charlotte. “Charlotte Mary Yonge’s Bank Account: A Rich New Source of Information on her Work and her Life”. Women’s Writing, edited by Tamara S. Wagner, Vol.
, No. 2, Aug. 2010, pp. 380-0. Mitchell, Charlotte. Victoria Cross, 1868-1952: A Bibliography. Victorian Fiction Research Unit, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, The University of Queensland, 2002.
Mitchell, David J. Queen Christabel: A Biography of Christabel Pankhurst. Macdonald and Jane’s, 1977.
Mitchell, David J. The Fighting Pankhursts: A Study in Tenacity. MacMillan, 1967.
Mitchell, Jane Tucker. A Thematic Analysis of Mme. DAulnoysContes de fées. Romance Monographs, 1978.
Mitchell, Kaye. “Queer Metamorphoses: ’Girl meets boy’ and the Futures of Queer Fiction”. Ali Smith, edited by Monica Germanà and Emily Horton, Bloomsbury, 2013, pp. 61-74.
Mitchell, Marea. “Awakening Other Spirits: Dorothy Stanleys Arcadia and the Apparatus of Authorship”. Parergon, No. 29, 2012, pp. 113-31.