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Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Dusseldorf; or, The Fratricide. Minerva Press, William Lane, 1798, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Feudal Events. Minerva Press (William Lane), 1800, 2 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Joseph. Dodsley, 1783.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Martin and Mansfeldt, or The Romance of Franconia. Minerva Press, 1802, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Monmouth. Minerva Press (William Lane), 1790, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Mysteries Elucidated. Minerva Press, William Lane, 1795, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Retribution. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1788, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Slavery; or, The Times. Robinson, 1792, 2 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. Swedish Mysteries. Minerva Press (William Lane), 1801, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. The Gamesters. Steel and Baldwin, 1786, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. The Irish Guardian, or Errors of Eccentricity. Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, 1809, 3 vols.
Mackenzie, Anna Maria. The Neapolitan, or The Test of Integrity. Minerva Press, William Lane, 1796, 3 vols.
MacKenzie, Charlotte. “Cornish connections with 1790s radical and literary circles. Part 2”. Cornish Story, 16 May 2019.
MacKenzie, Charlotte. “Cornish connections with 1790s radical and literary circles: Part 1”. Cornish Story, 7 Apr. 2019.
Mackenzie, Compton. Extraordinary Women: Theme and Variations. M. Secker, 1928.
Mackenzie, Compton. My Life and Times. Chatto and Windus, 1963.
MacKenzie, Donald. “The Political Economy of Carbon Trading”. London Review of Books, 5 Apr. 2007, pp. 29-31.
Mackenzie, Eneas. Memoirs of Mrs. Caroline Chisholm. Webb, Millington, 1852.
Mackenzie, Henry. The Man of Feeling. 1771.
Mackenzie, Julian. “Auction Reviews”. Antiquarian Book Review, May 2003, pp. 56-7.
MacKenzie, Niall. “Eliza Haywood in a Scrutinising AgeAge of Johnson, Vol.
, 2005, pp. 177-97.
MacKenzie, Raymond N. A Critical Biography of English Novelist Viola Meynell, 1885-1956. Edwin Mellen, 2002.
Mackenzie, Suzie. “Mothers and daughters”. Guardian Unlimited, 16 Dec. 2000.
Mackey, Margaret. The Case of Peter Rabbit: Changing Conditions of Literature for Children. Garland, 1998.
Mackie, John. “Dorothy Stowe”. Edmonton Journal, 24 July 2010.
Mackie, John Duncan. The University of Glasgow, 1451-1951: A Short History. Jackson, 1954.
Mackie, Lindsay, and Polly Pattullo. Women at Work. Tavistock, 1977.
MacKillop, Ian. F.R. Leavis: A Life in Criticism. Allen Lane, 1995.
Mackintosh, Sir James et al. Eminent British Statesmen. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1841, 7 vols.
Mackrell, Judith. “Dance: Frankenstein”. Guardian Weekly, 20 May 2016, p. 41.
Mackrell, Paul. “The 1857 Day of Humiliation”. ET Evangelical Times, May 2009.
Mackworth, Cecily, editor. A Mirror for French Poetry, 1840-1940. G. Routledge, 1947.
Mackworth, Cecily. Czechoslovakia Fights Back. Lindsay Drummond, 1942.
Mackworth, Cecily. Eleven Poems. Les Editions du Booster, 1938.
Mackworth, Cecily. Ends of the World. Carcanet, 1987.
Mackworth, Cecily. English Interludes. Routledge and K. Paul, 1974.
Mackworth, Cecily. François Villon. Westhouse, 1947.
Mackworth, Cecily. Guillaume Apollinaire and the Cubist Life. J. Murray, 1961.
Mackworth, Cecily. I Came Out of France. Labour Book Service, 1941.
Mackworth, Cecily. Lucy’s Nose. Carcanet, 1992.
Mackworth, Cecily. Out of the Black Mountains. 2006.
Mackworth, Cecily. Spring’s Green Shadow. MacGibbon and Kee, 1952.
Mackworth, Cecily. The Destiny of Isabelle Eberhardt. Routledge and Paul, 1951.
Mackworth, Cecily. The Mouth of the Sword. Routledge and K. Paul, 1949.
MacLagan, Eric. Italian Sculpture of the Renaissance. Greenwood Press, 1971.
Maclaren-Ross, Julian. “Moods & Moments”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2486, 23 Sept. 1949, p. 613.
Maclean, Caroline. “Gloomy Sunday Afternoons”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, 10 Sept. 2009, pp. 28-9.
MacLeod, Christine. Inventing the Industrial Revolution. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
MacLeod, Donald. “All aboard the London-Delhi express”. Guardian Weekly, 28 Mar. 2008, p. 43.
MacLeod, Donald. “London: Past Terror Attacks”. Guardian Unlimited, 7 July 2005.