Meteyard, Eliza. Wedgwood Trio. Editor Buten, Harry M., Buten Museum of Wedgwood, 1967.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Methol, C. R. “Arcadian Days”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 2071, 11 Oct. 1941, p. 509.
Mew, Charlotte. Collected Poems and Prose. Editor Warner, Val, Carcanet and Virago, 1981.
Mew, Charlotte, and Alida Monro. Collected Poems of Charlotte Mew. Gerald Duckworth, 1953.
Mew, Charlotte. The Farmer’s Bride. Poetry Bookshop, 1916.
Mew, Charlotte, and Alida Monro. The Rambling Sailor. Poetry Bookshop, 1929.
Mew, Egan H. W. “Review of The Reflections of Ambrosine by Elinor Glyn”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 49, 19 Dec. 1902, p. 380.
Mews, Constance. “Religious Thinker: ’A Frail Human Being’ on Fiery Life”. Voice of the Living Light: Hildegard of Bingen and Her World, edited by Barbara Newman, University of California Press, 1998, pp. 52-69.
Meyer, Adèle Levis, and Clementina Black. Makers of Our Clothes: A Case for the Trade Boards. Duckworth, 1909.
Meyer, Susan. “Words on Great Vulgar Sheets: Writing and Social Resistance in Anne Brontës Agnes GreyThe New Nineteenth Century: Feminist Readings of Underread Victorian Fiction, Garland Publishing, 1996, pp. 3-16.
Meyering, Sheryl L. “Introduction”. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Woman and Her Work, UMI Research Press, 1989.
Meyers, Jeffrey. A Reader’s Guide to George Orwell. Littlefield, Adams, 1977.
Meyers, Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe: His Life and Legacy. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1992.
Meyers, Terry L. “Swinburne Reshapes His Grand Passion: A Version by ’Ashford Owen’”. Victorian Poetry, Vol.
, No. 1, West Virginia University, 1 Mar.–31 May 1993, pp. 111-15. Meynell, Alice. A Father of Women, and Other Poems. Burns and Oates, 1917.
Meynell, Alice. Alice Meynell: Prose and Poetry. Editors Page, Frederick and Vita Sackville-West, Jonathon Cape, 1947.
Meynell, Alice. Ceres’ Runaway. Constable, 1909.
Meynell, Alice. “Christina Rossetti”. New Review, Vol.
, 1895, pp. 201-6. Meynell, Alice. Collected Poems of Alice Meynell. Burns and Oates, 1913.
Meynell, Alice. Essays. Burns and Oates, 1914.
Meynell, Alice. Hearts of Controversy. Burns and Oates, 1917.
Meynell, Alice, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. “Introduction”. Prometheus Bound and Other Poems, Ward, Lock and Bowden, 1896, p. v - xv.
Meynell, Alice. John Ruskin. Blackwood, 1900.
Meynell, Alice. Later Poems. J. Lane, 1901.
Meynell, Alice. Other Poems. Privately printed, 1896.
Meynell, Alice. Poems on the War. Privately printed by Clement Shorter, 1915.
Meynell, Alice, and Elizabeth Thompson. Preludes. Henry S. King, 1875.
Meynell, Alice. “Renouncement”. Great Books Online: The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250-1900, edited by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch.
Meynell, Alice. “Summer in England, 1914”. Times, 14 Oct. 1914.
Meynell, Alice. The Children. John Lane, 1896.
Meynell, Alice. The Colour Of Life. John Lane, 1896.
Meynell, Alice, editor. The Flower of the Mind. G. Richards, 1897.
Meynell, Alice. “The Lady of the Lambs”. Great Books Online: The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250-1900, edited by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch.
Meynell, Alice. The Last Poems of Alice Meynell. Burns, Oates and Washbourne, 1923.
Meynell, Alice. The Rhythm of Life. Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1893.
Meynell, Alice. The Second Person Singular. H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1921.
Meynell, Alice. The Spirit of Place. John Lane, 1898.
Meynell, Viola. A Girl Adoring. E. Arnold, 1927.
Meynell, Viola. Alice Meynell: A Memoir. J. Cape, 1929.
Meynell, Viola. Alice Meynell: A Memoir. J. Cape, 1947.
Meynell, Viola. Antonia. M. Secker, 1921.
Meynell, Viola. Columbine. M. Secker, 1915.
Meynell, Viola, and Charles Stabb. Cross-in-Hand Farm. Herbert and Daniel, 1911.
Meynell, Viola. Follow Thy Fair Sun. J. Cape, 1935.
Meynell, Viola. Francis Thompson and Wilfrid Meynell: A Memoir. Hollis and Carter, 1952.
Meynell, Viola, editor. Friends of a Lifetime. J. Cape, 1940.
Meynell, Viola. Kissing the Rod. J. Cape, 1937.
Meynell, Viola. Lot Barrow. M. Secker, 1913.
Meynell, Viola. Martha Vine. Herbert and Daniel, 1910.
Meynell, Viola. Modern Lovers. M. Secker, 1914.