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Mellor, Anne K. Romanticism and Gender. Routledge, 1993.
Mellor, David. A Paradise Lost: The Neo-Romantic Imagination in Britain, 1935-55. Barbican Art Gallery, 1987.
Mellown, Elgin W. Edwin Muir. Twayne, 1979.
Mellown, Elgin W. Jean Rhys: A Descriptive and Annotated Bibliography of Works and Criticism. Garland, 1984.
Melman, Billie. Women and the Popular Imagination in the Twenties. Macmillan, 1988.
Melman, Billie. Women’s Orients. University of Michigan Press, 1992.
Melnyk, Julie. “Emma Jane Worboise and The Christian World Magazine: Christian Publishing and Womens Empowerment”. Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol.
, No. 2, 1996, pp. 131-45.
Melnyk, Julie. “Evangelical Theology and Feminist Polemic: Emma Jane Worboises OverdaleWomens Theology in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Transfiguring the Faith of Their Fathers, edited by Julie Melnyk, Garland, 1998, pp. 107-22.
Melnyk, Julie. “Hemans’s Later Poetry: Religion and the Vatic Poet”. Felicia Hemans: Reimagining Poetry in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Nanora Sweet and Julie Melnyk, Palgrave, 2001, pp. 74-92.
Melvill, Elizabeth. A Godly Dreame. Robert Charteris.
Melvill, Elizabeth. Ane Godlie Dream. Robert Charteris, 1603.
Melvill, Elizabeth. “Ane Godlie Dreame”. The Poets, I, edited by Susanne Woods et al., Ashgate, 2001.
Melville, Herman. Billy Budd, and Other Prose Pieces. Editor Weaver, Raymond, Constable, 1924.
Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick. R. Bentley, 3 vols.
Melville, Herman. Narrative of a Four Months Residence Among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands. J. Murray.
Melville, Herman. Omoo. J. Murray.
Melville, Herman. The Confidence-Man. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, and Roberts.
Melville, Herman. The Piazza Tales. Dix, Edwards.
Melville, Joy. Ellen and Edy. Pandora, 1987.
Melville, Joy. Mother of Oscar. John Murray, 1999.
Menand, Louis. “Slips of the Tongue”. New Yorker, 26 Nov. 2001, pp. 112-16.
Mendelson, Sara Heller. The Mental World of Stuart Women: Three Studies. Harvester Press, 1987.
Mendelson, Sara Heller, and Patricia Crawford. Women in Early Modern England, 1550-1720. Clarendon Press, 1998.
Meneghel, Meg A. “’Dear Mother’: Ray Strachey’s Role in Feminism and the League of Nations as Seen from the Lilly Library”. Women in the Milieu of Leonard and Virginia Woolf: Peace, Politics, and Education, edited by Wayne K. Chapman and Janet M. Manson, Pace University Press, 1998, pp. 87-95.
Menzies, June, and Isobel Grundy. Conversation about the Orkney Islands with Isobel Grundy.
Mepham, John. Virginia Woolf. Bristol Classical Press, 1992.
Mercer, Edmund. “Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury”. Manchester Quarterly, Vol.
, 1898, pp. 301-21.
Merchant, Carolyn. “The Vitalism of Anne Conway: Its Impact on Leibniz’s Concept of the Monad”. Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol.
, 1979, pp. 255-69.
Fyge, Sarah. “Introduction, Note on the Text, Note on the Illustrations”. The Female Advocate, edited by Peter Merchant et al., Juvenilia Press, 2010, p. xi - xxvii.
Meredith, George. Beauchamp’s Career. Chapman and Hall, 1876, 3 vols.
Meredith, George. “Chillianwallah”. Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal, 7 July 1849.
Meredith, George. Diana of the Crossways. Chapman and Hall, 1885, 3 vols.
Meredith, George. Emilia in England. Chapman and Hall, 1864, 3 vols.
Meredith, George, and Dora Sigerson. “Introduction”. The Collected Poems of Dora Sigerson Shorter, Hodder and Stoughton, 1907, p. v - viii.
Meredith, George, and Lucie Duff Gordon. “Introduction”. Letters from Egypt, Virago, 1983, p. xix - xxiv.
Meredith, George. Modern Love and Poems of the English Roadside. Chapman and Hall, 1862.
Meredith, George. Poems. J. W. Parker and Son, 1851.
Meredith, George. Poems. Surrey ed., Vol.
3 vols.
, Times Book Club, 1912.
Meredith, George. Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth. Macmillan, 1883.
Meredith, George. Rhoda Fleming. Tinsley Brothers, 1865, 3 vols.
Meredith, George. The Egoist. C. Kegan Paul, 1879, 3 vols.
Meredith, George. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Chapman and Hall, 1859, 3 vols.
Meredith, George. The Shaving of Shagpat. Chapman and Hall, 1856.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. A Tasmanian Memory of 1834. J. Walch and Sons, 1869.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Bush Friends in Tasmania. Macmillan, 1891.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Grandmamma’s Verse-Book for Young Australia. Printed for the author by W. Fletcher, 1878.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. My Home in Tasmania. John Murray, 1852, 2 vols.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. My Home in Tasmania. Cambridge University Press, 2010, 2 vols.,
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Notes and Sketches of New South Wales. John Murray, 1844.
Meredith, Louisa Anne. Notes and Sketches of New South Wales. Ure Smith, 1973.