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Medley, Mark. “Sequel’s release follows months of intrigue”. The Globe and Mail, 14 July 2015, p. A3.
Kempe, Margery. “Introduction”. The Book of Margery Kempe, edited by Sanford Brown Meech et al., Oxford University Press, 1940, p. vii - lii.
Meek, James. “Chemical Soup”. London Review of Books, 18 Mar. 1999, pp. 30-1.
Meek, James. “If they’re ill, charge them extra”. London Review of Books, 21 Mar. 2002, pp. 3-5.
Meek, James. “In Farageland”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 18, 9 Oct. 2014, pp. 5-10.
Meek, James. “Nuremberg Rally, Invasion of Polland, Dunkirk. ”. London Review of Books, 6 Sept. 2001, pp. 28-9.
Meek, James. “Trains in Space”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 9, 5 May 2016, pp. 23-9.
Meek, Margaret. Rosemary Sutcliff. The Bodley Head, 1962.
Meeke, Elizabeth. "There is a Secret, Find it Out!". Lane, Newman, 1808, 4 vols.
Ducray-Duménil, François-Guillaume. A Tale of Mystery. Translator Meeke, Elizabeth, Lane and Newman, 1803, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Amazement. Lane, Newman, 1804, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Anecdotes of the Altamont Family. William Lane, 1800, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Conscience. A. K. Newman, 1814, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Count St. Blancard. William Lane at the Minerva Press, 1795, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Count St. Blancard. Facsimile edition, Arno Press, 1977, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Ellesmere. William Lane, 1799, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Harcourt. William Lane, 1799, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Independence. Lane and Newman, 1802, 4 vols.
Ducray-Duménil, François-Guillaume, and Sophie de Cottin. Julien; and, Elizabeth. Translator Meeke, Elizabeth, Lane, Newman, 1807, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Langhton Priory. Lane, Newman, 1809, 4 vols.
Lafontaine, August Heinrich Julius. Lobenstein Village. Translators Meeke, Elizabeth and Jeanne-Isabelle-Pauline Polier de Bottens, baronne de Montolieu, Lane, Newman, 1804, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Matrimony. A. K. Newman, 1812, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Midnight Weddings. William Lane, 1802, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Palmira and Ermance. William Lane at the Minerva Press, 1797, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Something Odd!. Lane, Newman, 1804, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Something Strange. Lane, Newman, 1806, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Stratagems Defeated. A. K. Newman, 1811, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Abbey of Clugny. William Lane at the Minerva Press, 1796, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Mysterious Husband. William Lane, 1801, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Mysterious Wife. William Lane at the Minerva Press, 1797, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Nine Days’ Wonder. Lane, Newman, 1804, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Old Wife and Young Husband. Lane, Newman, 1804, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Parent’s Offering to a Good Child. A. K. Newman, 1825.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Sicilian. William Lane, 1798, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Spanish Campaign. A. K. Newman, 1814, 3 vols.
Du Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, marquise. The Unpublished Correspondence of Madame du Deffand. Translator Meeke, Elizabeth, A. K. Newman, 1810, 2 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Veiled Protectress. A. K. Newman, 1819, 5 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. The Wonder of the Village. Lane, Newman, 1805, 3 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. What Shall Be, Shall Be. A. K. Newman, 1823, 4 vols.
Meeke, Elizabeth. Which is the Man?. William Lane, 1801, 4 vols.
Meeks, Leslie Howard. Sheridan Knowles and the Theatre of His Time. Principia Press, 1933.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. “Appendix B: Essays by Eliza Lynn Linton”. The Rebel of the Family, edited by Deborah T. Meem, Broadview, 2002, pp. 403-27.
Linton, Eliza Lynn. “Introduction”. The Rebel of the Family, edited by Deborah T. Meem, Broadview, 2002, pp. 9-18.
Meghji, Shafik. “Human writes”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 2017, pp. 5-7.
Mehren, Joan von. Minerva and the Muse: A Life of Margaret Fuller. University of Massachusetts Press, 1994.
Meikle, James. “Campaigners raise stink on public lavatory’s 150th birthday”. The Guardian, 15 Aug. 2002, p. 6.
Meintjes, Johannes. Olive Schreiner: Portrait of a South African Woman. Hugh Heartland, 1965.
Meisel, Perry. The Absent Father: Virginia Woolf and Walter Pater. Yale University Press, 1980.
Melby, Julie L. “Botanicals of Mary Lind White”. Graphic Arts: Exhibitions, acquisitions, and other highlights from the Graphic Arts Collection, Princeton University, 3 Sept. 2011.
Mellor, Anne K. Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her Monsters. Routledge, 1988.