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Martineau, Harriet. Ireland. Charles Fox, 1832.
Martineau, Harriet. Letters from Ireland. John Chapman, 1852.
Martineau, Harriet. Letters on Mesmerism. Edward Moxon, 1845.
Martineau, Harriet. Life in the Sick-Room. Edward Moxon, 1844.
Martineau, Harriet. Life in the Sick-Room. Editor Frawley, Maria H., Broadview, 2003.
Martineau, Harriet. Life in the Wilds. Charles Fox, 1832.
Martineau, Harriet. “Miss Martineau on Mesmerism”. Athenæum, No. 891-895, 23 Nov. 1844, pp. 1070 - 1174 passim.
Martineau, Harriet. “On Female Education”. The Monthly Repository, Vol.
, Feb. 1823, pp. 77-81.
Martineau, Harriet. Poor Laws and Paupers Illustrated. Charles Fox, 1834, 4 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of Western Travel. Saunders and Otley, 1838, 3 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of Western Travel. Haskell House, 1969, 2 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. “Salem Witchcraft”. Edinburgh Review, Vol.
, No. 261, July 1868, pp. 1-47.
Martineau, Harriet. Society in America. Saunders and Otley, 1837, 3 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. Society in America. AMS Press, 1966, 3 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. Sowers Not Reapers. Charles Fox, 1833.
Martineau, Harriet. Suggestions Towards the Future Government of India. Smith, Elder, 1858.
Martineau, Harriet. “The Achievements of the Genius of Scott”. Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine, Vol.
, No. 10, Dec. 1832, pp. 445-60.
Martineau, Harriet. The Billow and the Rock. Charles Knight, 1846.
Martineau, Harriet. The Collected Letters of Harriet Martineau. Editor Logan, Deborah Anna, Pickering and Chatto, 2007, 5 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. The Essential Faith of the Universal Church. Unitarian Association, 1831.
Martineau, Harriet. The Factory Controversy. National Association of Factory Occupiers, 1855.
Martineau, Harriet. The Hill and the Valley. Charles Fox, 1832.
Martineau, Harriet. The History of England During the Thirty Years’ Peace: 1816-1846. Charles Knight, 1850, 2 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. The Hour and the Man. Edward Moxon, 1841, 3 vols.
Martineau, Harriet. The Hour and the Man. AMS Press, 1974.
Martineau, Harriet. “The Martyr Age of the United States”. London and Westminster Review, Vol.
, Dec. 1838, pp. 1-59.
Martineau, Harriet. The Moral of Many Fables. Charles Fox, 1834.
Martineau, Harriet. The Peasant and the Prince. Charles Knight, 1841.
Martineau, Harriet. The Playfellow. Charles Knight, 1841, 4 vols.
Comte, Auguste. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte. Translator Martineau, Harriet, John Chapman, 1853, 2 vols.
Comte, Auguste. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte. Translator Martineau, Harriet, Peter Eckler, 1893.
Martineau, Harriet. The Tendency of Strikes and Sticks to Produce Low Wages. J. H. Veitch, 1834.
Martineau, Harriet. Traditions of Palestine. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, 1830.
Martineau, Harriet. Weal and Woe in Garveloch. Charles Fox, 1832.
Martineau, Harriet. Women, Emancipation and Literature: The Papers of Harriet Martineau 1802-1876. Adam Matthew, 1991, 17 microfilm reels.
Martineau, James. “Mesmeric Aetheism”. Prospective Review, Vol.
, No. 26, 1851, pp. 224-62.
Martinez, Apen Ruiz. “Review of ’Yucatan Through Her Eyes: Alice Dixon Le Plongeon, Writer and Expeditionary Photographer’”. Journal of Anthropological Research, Vol.
, No. 1, 2011, pp. 121-2.
Martz, Linda. “An AIDS-Era Reassessment of Christabel Pankhursts The Great Scourge and How to End ItWomens History Review, Vol.
, No. 3/4, pp. 435-46.
Marwick, Arthur. Women at War, 1914-1918. Croom Helm, 1977.
Marx, Anthony W. Lessons of Struggle: South African Internal Opposition, 1960-1990. Oxford University Press, 1992.
Marx, Edward. “Decadent Exoticism and the Woman Poet”. Women and British Aestheticism, edited by Talia Schaffer et al., University Press of Virginia, 1999, pp. 139-57.
Marx, Edward. Laurence Hope.
Marx, Edward. “Reviving Laurence Hope”. Women’s Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900, edited by Isobel Armstrong et al., Macmillan, 1999, pp. 230-42.
Marx, Edward. The Idea of a Colony. University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Marx, Karl. Das Kapital. Editor Engels, Friedrich, O. Meissner, 1894, 3 vols. in 4.
Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei. Gedruckt in der Office der "Bildungs-Gesellschaft für Arbeiter" von J.E. Burghard, 1848.
Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. Marx, Engels: On Literature and Art. Progress Publishers, 1976.
Mary Salome, Sister. Letter to Isobel Grundy.
Maryles, Daisy. “Publishing”. The Americana Annual, 1974, p. 390.
Maschietto, Francesco Ludovico. Elena Lucrezia Cornaro Piscopia (1646-1684). Translator Vairo, Jan, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2007.