Marshall, William Harvey. Wilkie Collins. Twayne, 1970.
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.
Marsin, M. A Clear and Brief Explanation upon the Chief Points in the New-Testament. J. Clarke, 1697.
Marsin, M. A Full and Clear Account the Scripture gives of the Deity. John Gouge, 1700.
Marsin, M. All the Chief Points Contained in the Christian Religion. J. Clark, E. Whitlock, and W. Reddish, 1697.
Marsin, M. An Answer to Dr. Whitby. S. Darker, 1701.
Marsin, M. Good News to the Good Women. S. Darker, 1700.
Marsin, M. The Figurative Speeches: by which God has veiled his Secrets. J. Clark, 1697.
Marsin, M. The First Book. Edward Pool, 1698.
Marsin, M. The Near Approach to Christ’s Kingdom, clearly proved by Scripture. Printed for the author to be sold by Thomas Fabian, 1696.
Marsin, M. The Womans Advocate. J. Clark, 1697.
Marsin, M. The Womens Advocate; or, Fifteen Real Comforts of Matrimony. 2nd ed., Benjamin Alsop and Thomas Malthus, 1683.
Marsin, M. Truth Vindicated, against all Heresies. Edward Pool, 1698.
Marsin, M. Two Remarkable Females of Womankind. E. Richardson, 1701.
Marsin, M. Two Sorts of Latter Days, proved from Scripture. 1699.
Marson, Una. At What a Price. British Library, 1932.
Marson, Una. “Christmas on Poinsettia Island”. American Junior Red Cross News, Dec. 1960.
Marson, Una. Heights and Depths. Published by the author, 1931.
Marson, Una. London Calling. 1937.
Marson, Una. “Nigger”. The Keys, 1 July 1933, p. 8.
Marson, Una. Pocomania. 1938.
Marson, Una. “Sojourn”. The Cosmopolitan, Feb. 1931, pp. 8-10.
Marson, Una, editor. The Cosmopolitan.
Marson, Una. The Moth and the Star. Published by the author, 1937.
Marson, Una. Towards the Stars. University of London Press, 1945.
Marson, Una. Tropic Reveries. Published by the author, 1930.
Marson, Una. “Women Poets of Jamaica”. Daily Gleaner, 2 Aug. 1964.
Martel, Yann. What Is Stephen Harper Reading?. 16 Apr. 2007,
Martel, Yann. What is Stephen Harper reading?. 24 Dec. 2007,
Marter, Shirley Van. “Richardsons Debt to Hester Mulso Concerning the Curse in ClarissaPapers on Language and Literature, Vol.
, 1978, pp. 22-31. Martienssen, Anthony. Queen Katherine Parr. McGraw-Hill, 1973.
Martin, Andrew. “In her faraway world, Enid Blyton is the Jimi Hendrix of children’s writing”., 27 Nov. 2017.
Martin, Augustine, and Mary Lavin. “Afterword”. Mary O’Grady, Virago, 1986, pp. 383-91.
Martin, Chris. "I’ve spent my life in being me": the life and singular exploits of Count Potocki de Montalk. 25 Sept. 2001,
Martin, Christina. “Josephine Tey: Scottish Detective Novelist”. Studies in Scottish Literature, Vol.
, 1996, pp. 191-04. Martin, Christopher. A Short History of English Schools, 1750-1965. Wayland, 1979.
Martin, Douglas. “Dame Mary Douglas, 86, a Wide-Ranging Anthropologist, Is Dead”. New York Times, 22 May 2007.
Martin, Douglas. “Madeleine L’Engle, Writer of Children’s Classics, Is Dead at 88”. New York Times: Books, 8 Sept. 2007.
Martin, Douglas. “War heroine outfoxed Nazis”. Edmonton Journal, 26 Mar. 2008, p. E9.
Martin, Jane. “Gender, the City and the Politics of Schooling: Towards a Collective Biography of Women ’doing good’ as Public Moralists in Victorian London”. Gender and Education, Vol.
, No. 2, Routledge, May 2005, pp. 143-6. Martin, Julian. Conversations about Anne Bacon with Isobel Grundy. 1992.
Martin, Lorna. “Greenham Common 25 years on—the spirit still burns brightly”. The Observer, 20 Aug. 2006, p. 15.
Martin, Mary. Julia Howard. Richard Bentley, 1850, 3 vols.
Martin, Mary. Julia Howard. Harper Brothers, 1850.
Martin, Mary. St. Etienne. T. C. Newby, 1845, 3 vols.
Martin, Mary Trice. Calendar of the Bridgewater and Ellesmere Manuscripts. 1917.
Martin, Mrs. Deloraine. Minerva Press, 1798, 2 vols.
Martin, Mrs. Jeannette. Minerva Press, 1800, 4 vols.
Martin, Mrs. Melbourne. Minerva Press, 1798, 3 vols.
Martin, Mrs. Reginald; or, The House of Mirandola. Minerva Press, 1799, 3 vols.
Martin, Mrs. The Enchantress; or, Where Shall I Find Her?. Minerva Press, 1801.