
Enter a search term, an exact phrase, or click on a letter to access contributors by initial letter of surname.

Alexander, Mrs. Kate Vernon. Thomas Cautley Newby, 1854, 3 vols.
Alexander, Mrs. Kitty Costello. T. Fisher Unwin, 1904.
Alexander, Mrs. Mona’s Choice. Copyright, B. Tauchnitz, 1887, 2 vols.
Alexander, Mrs. The Wooing O’t. R. Bentley, 1873, 3 vols.
Alexander, Mrs. Which Shall It Be?. R. Bentley, 1866, 3 vols.
Alexander, Sally, editor. Women’s Fabian Tracts. Routledge, 1988, http://U of A HSS HX 546 W925 1988.
Alexander, William, 1742 - 1788, and Jane Rendall. History of Women, from the Earliest Antiquity to the Present Time. Thoemmes Press, 1995, 2 vols., http://U of A Ruth N .
Alexander, Cecil Frances. “Preface”. Poems, edited by William, 1824 - 1911 Alexander, Macmillan, 1896, p. v - xxix.
Alexander, Ziggi, and Audrey Dewjee. Mary Seacole: Jamaican National Heroine and ’Doctress’ in the Crimean War. Brent Library Service, 1982.
Aley, Jim. “Apple founder dead at 56. Apple and Jobs: The Early Years”. Edmonton Journal, 6 Oct. 2011, p. A20.
Alfred, Randy. “April 3, 1973: Motorola Calls AT&T . By Cell”. Wired, 3 Apr. 2008.
Ali, Tariq. “Bitter Chill of Winter”. London Review of Books, 19 Apr. 2001, pp. 18-27.
Ali, Tariq. “Diary”. London Review of Books, 16 Nov. 2006, pp. 38-9.
Ali, Tariq. “Diary”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 11, 5 June 2014, p. 39.
Alic, Margaret. Hypatia’s Heritage: A History of Women in Science. Women’s Press, 1985.
Alison, Archibald, 1757 - 1839. Some Account of My Life and Writings. Editor Alison, Jane R., W. Blackwood, 1883, 2 vols.
Alkon, Paul. “Review of Gregory Claeys, ed., Modern British Utopias, 1700-1850, 1997”. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 4, July 2000, pp. 578-83.
Allan, D. G. C., and John L. Abbott, editors. The Virtuoso Tribe of Arts and Sciences. University of Georgia Press, 1992.
Allan, Sue. Lady Rose Hickman—Her Life and Family. Domtom Publishing Ltd, 2009.
Allan, Tom. “A Case for Treatment”. The Guardian, 14 Oct. 1971, p. 21.
Allan, Vicky. “Looking in the mirror”. Sunday Herald, 8 June 2003.
Allardice, Lisa. “A reputation built on quiet regret”. Guardian Weekly, 25 Sept. 2009, pp. 32-3.
Allardice, Lisa. “Interview Carol Ann Duffy: ’With the evil twins of Trump and Brexit . . . There was no way of not writing about that, it is just in the air’”., 27 Oct. 2018.
Allardice, Lisa. “Sarah Waters: ’Some of my readers really did hate me. They felt let down’”., 15 Sept. 2018.
Allardice, Lisa. “Uncharted Waters”. The Guardian, 1 June 2006.
Allatini, Rose. ". . . Happy Ever After". Mills and Boon, 1914.
Allatini, Rose. Blue Danube. Andrew Dakers, 1943.
Allatini, Rose. Despised and Rejected. C. W. Daniel, 1918.
Allatini, Rose. Despised and Rejected. Arno Press, 1975.
Allatini, Rose. Despised and Rejected. GMP, 1988.
Allatini, Rose. Destination Unknown. Andrew Dakers, 1942.
Allatini, Rose. Family from Vienna. Andrew Dakers, 1941.
Allatini, Rose. Girl of Good Family. Martin Secker, 1935.
Allatini, Rose. Oracle. Methuen, 1937.
Allatini, Rose. Payment. Andrew Melrose, 1915.
Allatini, Rose. Prisoners of Hate. Hale, 1977.
Allatini, Rose. Requiem. Martin Secker, 1919.
Allatini, Rose. Root and Branch. G. Allen and Unwin, 1917.
Allatini, Rose. Waters’ Meet. M. Secker, 1935.
Allatini, Rose. When I Was a Queen in Babylon. Mills and Boon, 1921.
Allatini, Rose. White Fire. M. Secker, 1933.
Allatini, Rose. Wonder-Worker. Hale, 1975.
Allatini, Rose. Work of Art. Hale, 1978.
Allatini, Rose. Young Man of Great Promise. Hale, 1978.
Allen, Alexandra. Travelling Ladies. Jupiter, 1980.
Allen, Brenda, and James Acheson. “Introduction”. Incidents From Phippy’s Schooldays, Juvenilia Press, 2002.
Allen, Brian. “Edinburgh and London. Allan Ramsay”. The Burlington Magazine, Vol.
, No. 1075, Oct. 1992, pp. 677-8.
Allen, Brooke. “Reading Henry Green”. The New Criterion online: Volume11, No. 7, Mar. 1993.
Allen, David. “Richard III: Trial By Jury: A new novel brings the controversy back to life and launches a new sub-genre”. The Armchair Detective, Vol.
, No. 4, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1987, pp. 403-11.
Allen, G. Freeman. Railways: Past, Present and Future. Orbis Publishing, 1982.