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Addison, Joseph et al., editors. The Spectator (1711-1714). Clarendon Press, 1965, 5 vols.
Adejumobi, Saheed. “The Pan-African Congresses, 1900-1945”., 2001.
Adelman, Paul. Great Britain and the Irish Question 1800-1922. Hodder and Stoughton, 1996.
Adey, Lionel, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 32. Gale Research, 1984.
Adhav, Shamsundar Manohar. Pandita Ramabai. Christian Literature Society, 1979.
Adimari, Ralph. “William J. Benners: The First Historian of the Dime Novel”. Dime Novel Round-Up, Vol.
, No. 9, 15 Sept. 1958, pp. 121-8.
St John, Christopher. Edy: Recollections of Edith Craig. Editor Adlard, Eleanor, Frederick Muller, 1949.
Adler, Carol. Come As You Are. Dandelion Books, 2003.
Adler, Michael H. The Writing Machine. Allen and Unwin, 1973.
Adler, Zsuzsanna. Rape on Trial. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1987.
Adrian, Arthur A. Georgina Hogarth and the Dickens Circle. Oxford University Press, 1957.
Ady, Julia Cartwright. Sacharissa. 3rd ed., Seeley, 1901.
Agence France-Presse,. “Putin sends military to fight Siberia forest fires”. The Guardian,
Agha, Saira. “Pride of Pakistan: Kamila Shamsie”. The Daily Times, 26 Aug. 2016.
Aguilar, Grace. An Archive of Her Letters.
Aguilar, Grace. Edmund, the Exiled Prince, and Wallace, the Dauntless Chief. G. Routledge, 1908.
Aguilar, Grace, and Sarah Aguilar. Essays and Miscellanies. A. Hart, 1853.
Aguilar, Grace. “History of the Jews in England”. Chambers’s Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts, Vol.
, No. 153, W. and R. Chambers, 1847.
Aguilar, Grace. Home Influence. R. Groombridge, 1847, 2 vols.
Aguilar, Grace. Home Influence. Hickling, Swan, and Brewer, 1857.
Aguilar, Grace. Home Scenes and Heart Studies. Editor Aguilar, Sarah, Groombridge and Sons, 1853.
Aguilar, Grace. Home Scenes and Heart Studies. D. Appleton and Company, 1890.
Orobio, B. de Castro. Israel Defended. Translator Aguilar, Grace, Privately printed by J. Wertheimer, 1838.
Aguilar, Grace. “Lady Gresham’s Fête”. Heath’s Book of Beauty, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1847.
Aguilar, Grace. Macintosh, the Highland Chief. G. Routledge, 1908.
Aguilar, Grace. Records of Israel. John Mortimer, 1844.
Aguilar, Grace, and Sarah Aguilar. Sabbath Thoughts and Sacred Communings. Groombridge, 1853.
Aguilar, Grace. The Days of Bruce. Editor Aguilar, Sarah, Groombridge and Sons, 1852.
Aguilar, Grace, and Henry Matthew Brock. The Days of Bruce. Seeley and Company, 1912.
Aguilar, Grace. The Jewish Faith. Groombridge, 1846.
Aguilar, Grace. The Magic Wreath. 1835.
Aguilar, Grace. The Mother’s Recompense. Editor Aguilar, Sarah, Groombridge, 1851.
Aguilar, Grace. The Spirit of Judaism. Editor Leeser, Isaac, Sherman, 1842.
Aguilar, Grace et al. The Vale of Cedars, and Other Tales. J. M. Dent, 1902.
Aguilar, Grace. The Vale of Cedars; or, The Martyr. Groombridge and Sons, 1850.
Aguilar, Grace. The Women of Israel. Groombridge, 1845.
Aguilar, Grace. The Women of Israel. D. Appleton and Company, 1880.
Aguilar, Grace. The Women of Israel. Cambridge University Press, 2010, 2 vols.,
Aguilar, Grace. Woman’s Friendship. Groombridge and Sons, 1850.
Aguilar, Grace. Woman’s Friendship. D. Appleton and Company, 1891.
Aguilar, Grace. Works. D. Appleton, 1870, 7 vols.
Aguilar, Sarah, and Grace Aguilar. “Memoir of Grace Aguilar”. Home Influence, Hickling, Swan, and Brewer, 1857, p. ix - xvii.
Ahmed, Fatema. “’Nimble goddess’ sells us short”. The Guardian, 19 Oct. 2008.
Ahuja, Anjana, and Michael Binyon. “In thrall to the volcano”. Edmonton Journal, 21 May 2001, p. E7.
Aiken, Joan. A Cluster of Separate Sparks. Doubleday, 1972.
Aiken, Joan, and Pat Marriott. All You’ve Ever Wanted. Cape, 1953.
Aiken, Joan, and Quentin Blake. Arabel’s Raven. BBC, 1972.
Aiken, Joan. Blackground. Gollancz, 1989.
Aiken, Joan. Died on a Rainy Sunday. Gollancz, 1972.
Aiken, Joan. Eliza’s Daughter. Gollancz, 1994.