British Library


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Author summary Mary Howitt
Between them, Mary Howitt and her husband William wrote and published over 180 books. Hers alone, at her death, occupied forty pages of the British Museum printed catalogue.
Dunicliff, Joy. Mary Howitt: Another Lost Victorian Writer. Excalibur Press of London.
1, 261
Bearing the expenses of a...
Author summary Elizabeth Strickland
ES published her earliest children's book under her name, though her periodical editing was anonymous. But although a number of women writers in various generations have chosen anonymity or obscurity, she is extraordinary in seeking...
Author summary Margaret Roberts
MR wrote from youth until old age, mostly during the later nineteenth century. She usually remained anonymous, though she did eventually give permission to the firm of Tauchnitz to put her name on some of...
Publishing Sarah Waters
Her London University PhD dissertation, Wolfskins and Togas: lesbian and gay historical fictions, 1870 to the present, is now digitally available through the British Library .
British Library Catalogue.
Publishing Margaret Cavendish
She had begun work on this book before leaving for England in November 1651.
Grant, Douglas. Margaret the First: A Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673. Rupert Hart-Davis.
108, 140
This was the first of her books to have a portrait frontispiece.
Grant, Douglas. Margaret the First: A Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673. Rupert Hart-Davis.
The British Library holds two copies...
Publishing Elizabeth Isabella Spence
The British Library copy numbered C45 i.5(3) is bound in red velvet which is said to have been used at the funeral of the real-life original of the second story's heroine.
Publishing A. Woodfin
With this work AW changed publishers, from Noble to Lowndes . The English Short Title Catalogue does not (2007) list this work under her name, either for this edition or the reprint of 1770; nor...
Publishing Ann, Lady Fanshawe
This edition included valuable biographical material, but was surpassed by that of John Loftis for Oxford University Press , 1979, which for the first time accurately reproduces the text of the British Library manuscript. It...
Publishing Dorothea Gerard
Again the London edition (by Stanley Paul and Co. ) was accompanied by a Tauchnitz edition, of which the British Library copy is bound with the publisher's list and catalogue, and with two pages of...
Publishing Elizabeth Boyd
The British Library copy, anonymous, with six printers' names listed on its title-page, is 1489 m. 14. The title-page of a re-issue, probably with cancelled title-page (copies at Leeds and Indiana University Libraries) gives EB
Publishing Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhit
The work had been entered in the Stationers' Register some time during the year following 22 July 1569.
Elizabeth Oxenbridge, Lady Tyrwhit,. “Introduction”. Elizabeth Tyrwhit’s Morning and Evening Prayers, edited by Susan M. Felch, Ashgate, pp. 1-51.
The single surviving copy, now in the British Library , is identified in an inscription on...
Publishing Mary Leadbeater
The volume features a frontispiece (missing from the British Library copy).
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press.
2: 401
As well as didactic tales, it includes a play, Honesty is the Best Policy.
Publishing Gerard Manley Hopkins
Bridges had already been trying the water by introducing a few individual Hopkins poems into anthologies. Only 750 copies of this edition were printed. The British Library copy contains manuscript notes by C. H. Wilkinson
Publishing Anne Locke
While in exile in Geneva, AL had worked on this rendering of modern and revolutionary material. She had only recently returned to London when her work was recorded in the Stationers' Register . Chapter...
Publishing Elizabeth Beverley
The British Library holds two copies printed in 1818, allegedly the fifth and seventh editions.


No timeline events available.


No bibliographical results available.