T. Penrose Fry

Standard Name: Fry, T. Penrose


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Sheila Kaye-Smith
The idea of awaking a feeling of superiority to Italian religion backfired. They saw the Catholic Church in Italy as providing religion not for the few but for the many: that man in the street...
Cultural formation G. B. Stern
She spent her first Christmas as a Catholic with Sheila Kaye-Smith and her husband, T. Penrose Fry , and attended Midnight Mass in the church they had built in their fields, with German prisoners of...
Family and Intimate relationships Sheila Kaye-Smith
SKS married the Rev. T. Penrose Fry , who at that time was the incumbent of a parish at St Leonards.
Walker, Dorothea. Sheila Kaye-Smith. Twayne, 1980.
Residence Sheila Kaye-Smith
SKS and her husband left London (where he could no longer, as a Roman Catholic, work as a priest) and returned to Sussex, to a converted oast house called Little Doucegrove near Northiam, which...
Travel Sheila Kaye-Smith
SKS and her husband took a cruise to Italy: their motive was not primarily recreation, but the expectation that the Italian practice of Roman Catholicism would put them off the idea of converting.
Walker, Dorothea. Sheila Kaye-Smith. Twayne, 1980.


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