Erin Pizzey
Standard Name: Pizzey, Erin
No connections available.
November 1971: Erin Pizzey founded Chiswick Women's Aid...
Building item
November 1971
Erin Pizzey
founded Chiswick Women's Aid
at 2 Belmont Terrace, the first shelter for battered women.
1973: Erin Pizzey of the Chiswick women's refuge...
Building item
Erin Pizzey
of the Chiswick women's refuge was the presiding spirit behind the first Women's Aid
(WA) National Conference, held in London.
1974: Erin Pizzey published with Penguin her book...
Women writers item
Erin Pizzey
published with Penguin
her book on marital violence, Scream Quietly or the Neighbours Will Hear.
1982: Erin Pizzey published Prone to Violence,...
Women writers item
Erin Pizzey
published Prone to Violence, which proposed the controversial theory that some women return to abusive partners because of an addiction to violence.
No bibliographical results available.