Ola Hansson

Standard Name: Hansson, Ola


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Education George Egerton
By adulthood, Chavelita Dunne (later GE ) had already gained proficiency in five or six languages, including Swedish.
Mix, Katherine Lyon. A Study in Yellow: <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl="j">The Yellow Book</span> and Its Contributors. Greenwood Press.
She now taught herself Norwegian and read widely among the Scandinavian authors, including Ibsen , August Strindberg
Publishing George Egerton
John Lane published GE 's first translation: Ola Hansson 's allegorical prose poems entitled Young Ofeg's Ditties,
Stetz, Margaret. “Keynotes: A New Woman, Her Publisher, and Her Material”. Studies in the Literary Imagination, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 89-107.
originally written in Swedish.
OCLC WorldCat. http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.


No timeline events available.


Hansson, Ola. Young Ofeg’s Ditties. Translator Egerton, George, J. Lane; Roberts Brothers, 1895.