Margaret Fox

Standard Name: Fox, Margaret


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Mary Howitt
During the 1850s, following the death of their schoolboy son Claude, MH and her husband experimented with spiritualism. MH received on one occasion a spirit message from Claude.
Dunicliff, Joy. Mary Howitt: Another Lost Victorian Writer. Excalibur Press of London.
148, 210-11
This was the decade when...
Cultural formation Margery Lawrence
ML accepted the spiritualist belief that there are levels of existence in the afterlife, or the Other Side, the lowest being the astral plane. One's plane on the Other Side, she maintained...
Cultural formation Susanna Moodie
SM had a lifelong interest in topics such as phrenology, mesmerism, animal magnetism, and clairvoyance, even before she met the renowned spiritualists, the Foxsisters . The Moodies attended lectures on these topics at the...


1848: American teenagers Kathe and Margaret Fox...

Building item


American teenagers Kathe and Margaret Fox developed a system for communicating with spirits living in their house; this initiated the spiritualist movement.

1867: Spiritualism received a blow when rumours...

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Spiritualism received a blow when rumours of Kate Fox 's drinking problems reached England.

1888: After dominating the spiritualist field for...

Building item


After dominating the spiritualist field for forty years, the famous American sisters Margaret and Kate Fox announced that their abilites had been completely fraudulent


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