Liz Stanley

Standard Name: Stanley, Liz


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Hannah Cullwick
HC was married by licence to Arthur Munby at St James's Church, Clerkenwell, in London, with only members of her family present.
Editor Liz Stanley gives a date of 3 January for the...
Family and Intimate relationships Hannah Cullwick
HC became intimate friends with a young German servant, Clara, who came to work at the Hendersons.
She calls Clara a governess, but Liz Stanley calls her a housemaid.
Cullwick, Hannah. “Introduction and Notes”. The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant, edited by Liz Stanley, Rutgers University Press, pp. 1 - 28, passim.
HC notes in her diary...
Publishing Olive Schreiner
From January 2012 Schreiner's letters, running from 1871 to December 1920 (a few days before she died) will be available online at This scholarly edition, complete with supporting contextual material, is the work of...
Reception Hannah Cullwick
Because of their conditions of production there is considerable controversy over how far to consider the diaries an authentic evocation of HC 's subjectivity. At one extreme is Swindells , who asks whose story the...
Textual Features Hannah Cullwick
According to Liz Stanley , the extent of minutiae, repetition, and corresponding lack of emotional or psychological recording or retrospective analysis in the diaries' accounts of HC 's daily work is a result of their...
Textual Production Hannah Cullwick
HC kept a record of her life intermittently for almost two decades. Liz Stanley , editor of her diaries, claims that her reasons for writing shifted. At first, she wrote simply at Munby 's behest...
Textual Production Hannah Cullwick
HC also had photographs taken of herself at Munby's request, in poses such as cleaning boots or blacking a grate. She played an active role in constructing her image. At the studio of one photographer,...
Textual Production Hannah Cullwick
Eight of HC 's diaries were published, edited by Liz Stanley .
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Cullwick, Hannah. “Introduction and Notes”. The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant, edited by Liz Stanley, Rutgers University Press, pp. 1 - 28, passim.
Wealth and Poverty Hannah Cullwick
According to editor Liz Stanley , after her marriage HC supported herself—when she was not earning—from the income of her investments, despite Munby's assertion to the contrary in his will. In 1871 she had withdrawn...


No timeline events available.


Stanley, Liz et al. Email (forwarded) to Brown University Women Writers Project.
Stanley, Liz. “Encountering the Imperial and Colonial Past through Olive Schreiner’s <span data-tei-ns-tag="tei_title" data-tei-title-lvl=‘m’>Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland</span&gt”;. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 197-19.
Cullwick, Hannah. “Introduction and Notes”. The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant, edited by Liz Stanley, Rutgers University Press, 1984, pp. 1 - 28, passim.
Stanley, Liz. The Auto/Biographical I: The Theory and Practice of Feminist Auto/Biography. Manchester University Press, 1992.
Cullwick, Hannah. The Diaries of Hannah Cullwick, Victorian Maidservant. Editor Stanley, Liz, Rutgers University Press, 1984.