Betty Gilderdale
has commented on the immediacy of these accounts, which, she says, lifts them far above the first-hand narratives of the explorers themselves.
Literary responses
Mary Anne Barker
This was the only book by MAB
to have bad reviews, including one in the Times.
Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker. Canterbury University Press, 2009.
(Geraldine Jewsbury
reviewed it for the Athenæum.) Betty Gilderdale
nevertheless finds the stories well constructed...
Mary Anne Barker
A full biography by Betty Gilderdale
, The Seven Lives of Lady Barker, was published at Auckland, New Zealand, in 1996 and reprinted in 2009. But like other voices from imperial Britain, Barker...
Mary Anne Barker
The Times, reviewing Sybil's Book in late 1873, found it both delightful and thoroughly original.
qtd. in
Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker. Canterbury University Press, 2009.
Betty Gilderdale
endorses this, calling it the first book to be published in England for teenage girls...
Textual Production
Mary Anne Barker
was briefly prolific as a writer for children and young people. (Her elder sons were fifteen and eleven when this period began.) Her Times obituary said her considerable number of books were chiefly for...
Mary Anne Barker
The return journey from Simla to Calcutta, and from thence home to England, made in grief and bewilderment and exhaustion, was no less physically gruelling as well. Betty Gilderdale
in her biography provides a map...
No timeline events available.
Gilderdale, Betty. The Seven Lives of Lady Barker. Canterbury University Press, 2009.