According to census reports, MK
lived with her parents until their deaths, uncertainly dated as 1903 and 1909. Catherine Elizabeth Birch
speculates that they were wealthy towards the end of their lives, since their home...
May Kendall
notes that Kendall's participation in the 1911 census suggests that she did not take part in the campaigns run by Votes for Women Fellowship
for female heads of households to ruin their census returns...
Textual Features
May Kendall
Her poems deal sceptically with contemporary issues, and often take a didactic form, where the first-person speaker, usually male, usually self-satisfied, is undercut by a criticizing other, often of a lower status.
Leighton, Angela, and Margaret Reynolds, editors. Victorian Women Poets: An Anthology. Blackwell, 1995.
Textual Production
May Kendall
's first book of poetry, Dreams to Sell, appeared. It is most notable for its section on Science and the way its evolutionary theory challenges naturalist notions of women's inferiority.
Critics who forcefully...
No timeline events available.
Birch, Catherine Elizabeth. Evolutionary Feminism in Late-Victorian Women’s Poetry: Mathilde Blind, Constance Naden and May Kendall. University of Birmingham.