Julia Stretton

Standard Name: Stretton, Julia
Birth Name: Julia Cecilia Collinson
Married Name: Julia Cecilia Wilkins
Married Name: Julia Cecilia De Winton
Married Name: Julia Cecilia Stretton
Indexed Name: Julis Cecilia Stretton
Pseudonym: The Author of Woman's Devotion
Pseudonym: The Author of Margaret and Her Bridesmaids
JS published both children's books and adult novels during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Her final novel comments amusingly and astutely on gender relations and the writing of novels.


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Textual Production Anne Marsh
From the anonymous Woman's Devotion, 1855, by Julia Cecilia Stretton , onwards, a string of ten titles published as by the author of have often in the past been wrongly ascribed to AM ...


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Stretton, Julia. A Book of Heroines. Hurst and Blackett, 1869.
Stretton, Julia. Lords and Ladies. Hurst and Blackett, 1866.
Stretton, Julia. Margaret and Her Bridesmaids. 1856.
Stretton, Julia. Margaret and Her Bridesmaids. Hurst and Blackett, 1860.
Stretton, Julia. Mr. and Mrs. Asheton. Hurst and Blackett, 1860.
Stretton, Julia. The Valley of a Hundred Fires. Hurst and Blackett, 1860.
Stretton, Julia. Woman’s Devotion. Hurst and Blackett, 1855.