William Shirreff

Standard Name: Shirreff, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Emily Shirreff
William Shirreff , ES ' father, was a naval officer who rose to the position of rear admiral. He was said to be descended from the legendary French knight Bayard .
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
“Obituary: Miss Emily Shirreff”. Englishwoman’s Review, Vol.
, 1897, pp. 133-4.
Family and Intimate relationships Maria Grey
William Shirreff , MG 's father, was in the navy, where he reached the position of Rear Admiral.
Ellsworth, Edward W. Liberators of the Female Mind: The Shirreff Sisters, Educational Reform, and the Women’s Movement. Greenwood, 1979.
Instructor Emily Shirreff
Following their negative experience at school, Mlle Piquet returned as a governess, though ES also studied independently. Their father 's interest in astronomy (he established a private observatory at Gibraltar) prompted him to tutor the...


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