Edward Palmer Thompson

Standard Name: Thompson, Edward Palmer
Used Form: E. P. Thompson


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Iris Murdoch
During her student days IM attracted innumerable admirers, women as well as men: at times it seemed that everyone was in love with her. They included the first of two men whom she loved deeply...
Publishing Mary Collier
She wrote in response to Duck's The Thresher's Labour, 1730, incensed to find a male poet of her own class sneering at women as inferior workers and frivolous gossips and time-wasters. Having written, she...


17 February 1958: CND, or the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament,...

Building item

17 February 1958

CND, or the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament , was founded at a public meeting in London; it held its first march that spring, at the Easter weekend.

1963: E. P. Thompson published his influential...

Writing climate item


E. P. Thompson published his influential historyThe Making of the English Working Class.


Collier, Mary et al. “The Woman’s Labour”. The Thresher’s Labour and The Woman’s Labour, edited by Edward Palmer Thompson et al., Merlin, 1989.
Thompson, Edward Palmer. Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act. Allen Lane, 1975.