Helen Rootham

Standard Name: Rootham, Helen


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Dedications Edith Sitwell
She dedicated it to Helen Rootham . Her title reflects the fascination with African culture which ES had already shown in Façade.
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES 's companion Helen Rootham began to be ill in various ways; the following year cancer was diagnosed. Her battle with it proved to be a long one.
Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES was devastated when Helen Rootham , her erstwhile literary mentor and home companion for more than twenty years, died after a lengthy struggle with spinal cancer.
Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
165, 213
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES , Marguerite Bennett , and Helen Rootham founded the Anglo-French Poetry Society as a forum for Mrs Bennett's recitations.
Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Instructor Edith Sitwell
ES 's grandmother Sitwell engaged Helen Rootham as a governess for Edith; she enlisted the help of eleven-year-old Osbert in making her choice.
Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Intertextuality and Influence Edith Sitwell
ES 's governess, Helen Rootham , was a major influence on her intellectual development, since she introduced her to serious poetry, both English and French, making her the heir to two distinct traditions. By the...
Residence Edith Sitwell
ES lived in Paris: Helen Rootham had a sister, Evelyn , who lived there and helped to nurse Rootham through terminal cancer.
Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Hill, Rosemary. “No False Modesty”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 20, pp. 25-6.
Residence Edith Sitwell
The twenty-five-year-old ES , with her companion and former governess Helen Rootham , left home for London.
Sitwell herself places the move at about the beginning of the 1914-18 war,
Sitwell, Edith. Taken Care Of: An Autobiography. Hutchinson.
but she was...
Textual Production Edith Sitwell
ES provided an introduction to Helen Rootham 's translation of a selection of Rimbaud 's Illuminations.
Fifoot, Richard. A Bibliography of Edith, Osbert and Sacheverell Sitwell. Rupert Hart-Davis.
Travel Edith Sitwell
ES , accompanied by her governess, Helen Rootham , travelled to Paris and other European capitals, as well as to Italy to rejoin her family.
Glendinning, Victoria. Edith Sitwell. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Salter, Elizabeth. Edith Sitwell. Oresko Books.


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