Sarah Elizabeth Cary Evans

Standard Name: Evans, Sarah Elizabeth Cary


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Mary Ann Shadd Cary
MASC died at her daughter 's house in Washington, DC, possibly of stomach cancer.
Bearden, Jim, and Linda Jean Butler. Shadd: The Life and Times of Mary Shadd Cary. NC Press, 1977.
Education Mary Ann Shadd Cary
She attended a Quaker school after her family moved to West Chester. It had been established for black students, and several of the teachers were abolitionists.
American National Biography.
Sources give the name of the school as...
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Ann Shadd Cary
MASC gave birth to her first child, her daughter Sarah Elizabeth Cary .
Rhodes, Jane. Mary Ann Shadd Cary: The Black Press and Protest in the Nineteenth Century. Indiana University Press, 1998.


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