William Ponsonby

Standard Name: Ponsonby, William,, d. 1604


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Textual Production Mary Sidney Herbert Countess of Pembroke
Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke , issued her collected edition of her brother 's works: the title was still The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia, with sundry new additions.
This is the date...
Textual Production Mary Sidney Herbert Countess of Pembroke
Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke 's translated tragedy Antonius and her A Discourse of Life and Death were entered in the Stationers' Register by William Ponsonby .
Waller, Gary F. Mary Sidney, Countess of Pembroke: A Critical Study of Her Writings and Literary Milieu. University of Salzburg, 1979, http://BLC.


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