The Book of Repulsive Women was published by the bohemian sensation-mongerGuido Bruno,
qtd. in
Field, Andrew. Djuna: The Formidable Miss Barnes. University of Texas, 1985.
as part of his Bruno Chap Books series.
Messerli, Douglas. Djuna Barnes: A Bibliography. David Lewis, 1975.
Field, Andrew. Djuna: The Formidable Miss Barnes. University of Texas, 1985.
Textual Features
Djuna Barnes
Like much of DB's writing, Nightwood is autobiographical; in it she turned not to her family but to acquaintances from Greenwich Village and (once again) Paris. Felix Volkbein is based on her former...
Textual Production
Sylvia Beach
Though the essays were solicited and overseen by Joyce, SB did much of the editorial work and designed the cover.
Beach, Sylvia. Shakespeare and Company. Harcourt, Brace, 1959.