William Davey

Standard Name: Davey, William


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Family and Intimate relationships James Tiptree Jr.
Alice Bradley and William Davey were married at Waukegan, Illinois, at 3 a.m.; they had met just five days before, at a formal dance to mark Alice's coming out into society.
Phillips, Julie. James Tiptree, Jr. St. Martin’s Press, 2006, https://archive.org/details/trent_0116405583547.
Family and Intimate relationships James Tiptree Jr.
The divorce went through between Alice and William Davey.
Phillips, Julie. James Tiptree, Jr. St. Martin’s Press, 2006, https://archive.org/details/trent_0116405583547.
Violence James Tiptree Jr.
Bill Davey is said to have been violent, but there are competing versions of what he did. He either fired guns at his wife, or threw her through a glass window (on allegedly catching her...


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