Monica Jones

Standard Name: Jones, Monica


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
death Philip Larkin
He is buried in the Cottingham municipal cemetery, and both Monica Jones and Maeve Brennan are buried nearby.
Cooke, Rachel. “In search of the real Philip Larkin”. The Observer, 27 June 2010.
Dedications Philip Larkin
The Marvell Press had been newly launched by George and Jean Hartley , who became his close friends, and who persuaded him to alter the title from Various Poems. The contract was not signed...
Family and Intimate relationships Philip Larkin
In LeicesterPL became involved with Monica Jones , who was then a young member of the English department there. A later commentator described Jones as a cockatoo of a woman, and as clever, eccentric...
Reception Iris Murdoch
It is not clear why Philip Larkin and Monica Jones chose a copy of this novel for systematically defacing every page with childishly salacious alterations and insertions (lips were parted, for instance, became...
Textual Features Philip Larkin
PL 's correspondence with Brennan began tentatively but became frivolous, gossipy and light-hearted, running to fun and fantasy
Brennan, Maeve. The Philip Larkin I Knew. Manchester University Press, 2002.
as well as steady affection. His thirty years of letters to Monica Jones are extraordinarily frank...
Textual Production Philip Larkin
PL was also an indefatigable letter-writer. A couple of thousand of his letters to his mother survive at Hull History Centre , and about 1,500 to Monica Jones . A selection of his highly personal...
Textual Production Philip Larkin
PL kept a voluminous series of diaries, which Betty Mackereth shredded soon after his death, according to his explicit instructions as relayed through Monica Jones .
Cooke, Rachel. “In search of the real Philip Larkin”. The Observer, 27 June 2010.


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