Herbert Read

Standard Name: Read, Herbert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Denise Levertov
She was very young when she made her first literary friend in the poet Herbert Read .
Duncan, Robert, and Denise Levertov. The Letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov. Editors Bertholf, Robert J. and Albert Gelpi, Stanford University Press.
Leisure and Society Leonora Carrington
LC 's awareness of and growing experimentation with modern art was nurtured by her mother despite their different beliefs about how LC should shape her life. Maurie Carrington gave Leonora a copy of Surrealism (1936)...
Literary responses Denise Levertov
It brought her instant fame among the cognoscenti. Kenneth Rexroth later wrote, In no time at all Herbert Read , Tambimutti [sic] , Charles Wrey Gardiner , and incidentally myself, were all in excited correspondence...


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