William Dodd

Standard Name: Dodd, William,, 1729 - 1777


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Publishing Mary Bosanquet Fletcher
Mary Bosanquet (later Fletcher) published at LeedsAn Aunt's Advice to a Niece, a conduct book which incorporates letters she had written to the condemned forger Dr William Dodd .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, http://www.oclc.org/firstsearch/content/worldcat/. Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Sarah Fielding
This work, no longer attributed to SF 's single authorship, was printed, as several of hers were, by Samuel Richardson . But letters written about it by Lady Barbara Montagu (friend and partner of the...
Textual Production Mary Bosanquet Fletcher
Mary Bosanquet (later Fletcher) wrote almost weekly to the ex-fashionable preacher Dr William Dodd (in prison for forgery) until he was hanged, out of concern for his soul.
John Wesley visited Dodd in prison, and...


1754: The Rev. William Dodd published his novel...

Writing climate item


The Rev. William Dodd published his novel The Sisters; or, The History of Lucy and Caroline Sanson, Entrusted to a False Friend, a morally oversimplified example of the bad-sister-damned/good-sister-saved plot.
Campbell, Ann M. “Sister Plots: The Double in English Courtship Novels”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 27 Mar. 1999.

27 June 1777: The clergyman William Dodd was executed for...

Building item

27 June 1777

The clergyman William Dodd was executed for forgery despite the efforts of many distinguished people to win him a pardon.
Villette, John. A Genuine Account of the Behaviour and Dying Words of William Dodd, L.L.D. Printed for the author, 1777, http://BLC.
Johnson, Samuel. Sermons. Editors Hagstrum, Jean and James Gray, The Yale Edition of the Works of Samuel Johnson, Yale University Press, 1978.
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Dodd, William, 1729 - 1777. An Account of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Magdalen Hospital, for the Reception of Penitent Prostitutes. 5th ed., W. Faden, 1776.