Jo Garcia

Standard Name: Garcia, Jo


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Michèle Roberts
MR's essay contributed to Walking on the Water: Women Talk about Spirituality (edited by Sara Maitland and Jo Garcia in early 1983) directly affected her love-life. Her current boyfriend said her essay was not...
Textual Production Sara Maitland
SM published on her own A Map of the New Country: Women and Christianity, and edited with Jo Garcia a volume of essays entitled Walking on the Water: Women Talk about Spirituality.
Whitaker’s Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1988–2003.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.


No timeline events available.


Garcia, Jo, and Sara Maitland, editors. Walking on the Water. Virago, 1983.