Robert Gibbings

Standard Name: Gibbings, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Nell Dunn
His parents, the distinguished wood-engraver Lettice Sandford and poet Christopher Sandford , took over the Golden Cockerel Press from Robert Gibbings during the great age of fine-press printing. Jeremy Sandford became well-known as a playwright...
Publishing Helen Waddell
HW published Beasts and Saints, with woodcuts by Robert Gibbings , a book of early tales excerpted and translated from saints' lives in Latin.
British Library Catalogue.


1920: The Golden Cockerel Press was founded at...

Writing climate item


The Golden Cockerel Press was founded at Waltham St Lawrence, Berkshire, by Harold Midgely Taylor and Gay Taylor .

1920: The Society of Wood Engravers was formed...

Writing climate item



Gibbings, Robert. Beasts and Saints. Translator Waddell, Helen, Constable, 1934.