Elizabeth Isham

Standard Name: Isham, Elizabeth
EI, living unmarried in a gentry family in the earlier seventeenth century, left two unique pieces of life-writing: a year-by-year summary of major events in her life, and a connected narrative based on the same material, in which what happens is envisaged from the point of view of religious and spiritual life, with prayers interspersed. She also left manuscripts detailing her religious devotions and her practising of medicine.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Dorothy Osborne
Other candidates whom her family pressed her to marry included Sir Thomas Osborne (a cousin), Henry Cromwell, and Sir Justinian Isham, a widower with children, a middle-aged and publicly distinguished figure (brother of...


No timeline events available.


Isham, Elizabeth. “Booke of Rememberances”. Constructing Elizabeth Isham, edited by Elizabeth Clarke.
Isham, Elizabeth. “Diary”. Constructing Elizabeth Isham.