Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
John Claudius Loudon
Standard Name: Loudon, John Claudius
Indexed Name: John C. Loudon
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Dedications | Jane Loudon | She dedicated Gardening for Ladies to her husband
. Its title-page mentions The Ladies' Flower-Garden of Ornamental Annuals and the introduction is dated 21 May. It was hugely successful, selling 1,350 copies on the very... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Jane Loudon | John Claudius Loudon
, husband of JL
, died at home at 3 Porchester Terrace, London, of chronic bronchitis, the very day after hearing that a group of creditors had rejected his proposals to... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Jane Loudon | Jane Webb
married a Scotsman, John Claudius Loudon
, who was forty-six and already strikingly successful as a horticulturalist and an advocate for and designer of public open spaces. Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. under John Claudius Loudon |
Family and Intimate relationships | Jane Loudon | John Claudius Loudon
(1783-1843) saw a review of Jane Webb's second book, borrowed it from a circulating library, reviewed it himself, and sought out the acquaintance of the author, whom he assumed to be male... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Jane Loudon | From 1841 John Claudius Loudon
suffered from increasingly frequent bouts of serious illness, particularly inflammation of the lungs. He was confined to bed for six weeks while travelling that year, and had serious attacks in... |
Literary responses | Jane Loudon | John Claudius Loudon
announced The Ladies' Flower-Garden (disclaiming any prejudice in favour of his wife's work) as elegant . . . no less beautiful than it is useful. qtd. in Howe, Bea. Lady with Green Fingers. Country Life, 1961. 64 |
Literary responses | Jane Loudon | JL
later called her own work a strange wild novel. Howe, Bea. Lady with Green Fingers. Country Life, 1961. 33 |
Material Conditions of Writing | Jane Loudon | In this painful year of her husband
's last illness, Mrs Loudon worked on and published the first of two volumes of The Ladies' Flower-Garden: Ornamental Perennials (another in her series on types of plants)... |
Material Conditions of Writing | Jane Loudon | JL
moved a little away from gardening with the first book she was able to turn her mind to writing after her husband
died: The Lady's Country Companion: or How to Enjoy a Country Life... |
Reception | Maria Elizabetha Jacson | John Claudius Loudon
quoted from MEJ
's work in his Encyclopaedia of Gardening in 1834, but thirty years after Jacson's third edition, Jane Loudon
criticised the work as too intellectual. Percy, Joan. “Maria Elizabeth Jacson and her ’Florist’s Manual’”. Garden History, Vol. 20 , No. 1, 1 Mar.–31 May 1992, pp. 45-56. 54 Shteir, Ann B. “Botanical Dialogues: Maria Jacson and Women’s Popular Science Writing in England”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 23 , No. 3, 1 Mar.–31 May 1990, pp. 301-17. 306n11 |
Residence | Jane Loudon | It is not clear when Jane Webb moved from the Birmingham area to live in London, at at 21 Norton Street, off Great Portland Street. But in view of her years of writing for... |
Textual Production | Jane Loudon | The Ladies' Companion to the Flower-Garden: Being an alphabetical arrangement of all the ornamental plants usually grown in gardens and shrubberies; with full directions for their culture is a systematically-ordered reference book, small but important... |
Textual Production | Jane Loudon | The same year saw the posthumous publication of Self-Instruction for Young Gardeners, Foresters, Bailiffs, Land-Stewards, and Farmers by John Claudius Loudon
, incorporating a Short Account of his life and writings by Jane Loudon
... |
Textual Production | Jane Loudon | JL
, as J. W. L., made her first appearance in the columns of her husband
's Gardener's Magazine, writing on Weights and Measures in Use at Covent Garden Market. Howe, Bea. Lady with Green Fingers. Country Life, 1961. 54 |
Textual Production | Jane Loudon | JL
issued a book for young people that had been hard to write, Glimpses of Nature during a Visit to the Isle of Wight, a commission finished on 30 November the previous year, the... |
1827: Jane Webb published The Mummy: A Tale of...
Women writers item
Jane Webb
published The Mummy: A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century, a dystopia set in a technology-crazed society populated by robots, featuring steamships and a dirigible; Webb was later, as Jane Loudon an influential...
1838: John Claudius Loudon's The Suburban Gardener...
Building item
John Claudius Loudon
's The Suburban Gardener and Villa Companion appeared in volume form (after being serialised over two years).
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,
Loudon, Jane, and John Claudius Loudon. “A Short Account of the Life and Writings of John Claudius Loudon”. Self-Instruction for Young Gardeners, Foresters, Bailiffs, Land-Stewards, and Farmers, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1845.
Loudon, John Claudius. An Encycpaedia of Gardening. Editor Loudon, Jane, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1850.
Loudon, John Claudius, and Jane Loudon. In Search of English Gardens. Editor Boniface, Priscilla, Century, 1990.
Boniface, Priscilla et al. “Introduction”. In Search of English Gardens, Century, 1990, pp. 9-18.
Loudon, John Claudius. The Gardener’s Magazine. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green.