Christine Froula

Standard Name: Froula, Christine


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Virginia Woolf
(Vanessa launched a parallel meeting for artists on Fridays: the Friday Club.) VW wrote that the Thursday evenings were the germ of all that has since come to be called—in newspapers, in novels, in...
Occupation John Milton
Their project has been taken up again in the later twentieth century by such critics as Sandra M. Gilbert (in Patriarchal Poetry and Women Readers, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 93...
Textual Features Virginia Woolf
Three Guineas is sometimes read as suggesting that tyranny, both petty and serious, is exercised exclusively by men. In the view of Christine Froula, it breaks through The Years' silences and evasions to...


No timeline events available.


Froula, Christine. Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-Garde. Columbia University Press, 2005.