Louisa Catherine Shore

Standard Name: Shore, Louisa Catherine
Birth Name: Louisa Catherine Shore
LCS was a poet writing primarily on public and national topics during the later nineteenth century. She published mostly in company with her sister Arabella , though her one verse-drama appeared alone.


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death Margaret Emily Shore
She was interred at the Strangers' Burialground in Funchal.
Shore, Margaret Emily. “Introduction”. Journal of Emily Shore, edited by Arabella Shore et al., New edition, Kegan Paul, 1898, p. v - xiii.
She was a major subject of her sister Louisa Shore 's most highly regarded poem, Elegies.
Family and Intimate relationships Arabella Shore
Of her sisters the elder, Emily , died of tuberculosis at only nineteen, leaving an astonishing body of written work in manuscript; the younger, Louisa , became a proto-feminist writer and a regular contributor to...
Family and Intimate relationships Margaret Emily Shore
Her sisters, Arabella and Louisa Catherine , both followed her in becoming writers.
Fictionalization Florence Nightingale
FN 's early reputation was won by her work, not her writings. Arabella and Louisa Catherine Shore included a tribute to her in their War Lyrics (1855). Her efforts during the Crimean War also inspired...
politics Arabella Shore
AS , like her sister Louisa , became actively interested in social questions concerning the position of women. She supported the struggle for the suffrage, and her name was one of the six hundred that...
Author summary Arabella Shore
AS was a poet, translator, and occasional critic who died at the end of the nineteenth century. Like her sister Louisa Catherine , she was chiefly interested in public and national topics.
Textual Production Arabella Shore
As A. and L., the sisters Arabella and Louisa Shore published their joint volume entitled Fra Dolcino, and Other Poems.
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870. http://replay.web.archive.org/20070714065452/http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~asp/v2/home.html.
2243 (22 October 1870)
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford, 1990.
Textual Production Arabella Shore
AS probably began writing at an early age, as did both her sisters (one elder and one younger). But after the elder, Emily , died in Madeira from tuberculosis, the two remaining sisters were told...
Textual Production Arabella Shore
Poems by A. and L., published in 1897, two years after the death of Louisa Catherine Shore , sought to introduce her work and AS 's, which had fallen out of print, to a...
Textual Production Margaret Emily Shore
Selections from MES 's adolescent diary and poetry appeared more than fifty years after her death as the Journal of Emily Shore, edited by her two survivingsister s.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
under Louisa Catherine Shore


September 1854: The British landed in Crimea, unopposed by...

National or international item

September 1854

The British landed in Crimea, unopposed by the Russians they had come to make war with. They went on to lay siege to Sebastopol that October and to win important victories at Balaklava (25...


Shore, Arabella, and Louisa Catherine Shore. Elegies and Memorials. Kegan Paul, 1890.
Shore, Arabella, and Louisa Catherine Shore. Fra Dolcino, and Other Poems. Smith, Elder, 1870.
Shore, Arabella, and Louisa Catherine Shore. Gemma of the Isles. Saunders and Otley, 1859.
Shore, Louisa Catherine. Hannibal. Smith, Elder, 1861.
Shore, Louisa Catherine. Hannibal. Grant Richards, 1898.
Shore, Margaret Emily. “Introduction”. Journal of Emily Shore, edited by Arabella Shore et al., New edition, Kegan Paul, 1898, p. v - xiii.
Shore, Margaret Emily. Journal of Emily Shore. Editors Shore, Louisa Catherine and Arabella Shore, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1891.
Shore, Margaret Emily. Journal of Emily Shore. Editors Shore, Louisa Catherine and Arabella Shore, New edition, Kegan Paul, 1898.
Shore, Louisa Catherine et al. Poems. John Lane, 1897.
Shore, Arabella, and Louisa Catherine Shore. Poems by A. and L. Grant Richards, 1897.
Shore, Louisa Catherine. The Citizenship of Women Socially Considered. Printed by Savill, Edwards, 1874.
Shore, Arabella, and Louisa Catherine Shore. War Lyrics. Saunders and Otley, 1855.