Henry Bibb

Standard Name: Bibb, Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Harriet Beecher Stowe
HBS drew information for her stories from the narratives of Josiah Henson and Henry Bibb .
That she later wrote an introduction to the 1858 edition of Henson's 1849 narrative of slavery is an example...
Literary responses Mary Ann Shadd Cary
After the first issue appeared, Henry Bibb , editor of the Voice of the Fugitive, published his opinion that there is no necessity for another paper devoted to the interests of the colored people...
Literary responses Mary Ann Shadd Cary
The Pennsylvania Freeman commented on Shadd's great diligence and perseverance in her efforts to obtain and diffuse information for the benefit of such as feel it necessary to their safety and happiness to seek a...
politics Mary Ann Shadd Cary
Shadd was an avowedly integrationist as well as an opponent of slavery: one of her selling points for life in Upper Canada was the freedom there from segregated institutions and the presence of legal equality...
Residence Mary Ann Shadd Cary
Shadd travelled to Toronto in early September 1851 to act as secretary at a convention on emigration and the repercussions of the Fugitive Slave Act, where she met the emigrationists Martin Delany and Henry Bibb


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