Sir George Christopher Trout Bartley

Standard Name: Bartley, Sir George Christopher Trout
Used Form: George C. T. Bartley


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politics Emily Shirreff
In 1871 ES worked with her sister Maria Grey to establish the National Union for the Education of Women of all Classes ; ES worked as honorary secretary and also co-edited (with George Bartley )...


January 1873: Emily Shirreff and George C. T. Bartley edited...

Building item

January 1873

Emily Shirreff and George C. T. Bartley edited the first issue of the Journal of the Women's Education Union/National Union for Improving the Education of All Classes.

June 1882: The Journal of Women's Education Union ceased...

Building item

June 1882

The Journal of Women's Education Union ceased publication in London.


Shirreff, Emily, and Sir George Christopher Trout Bartley, editors. Journal of the Womens’ Education Union. Published for the National Union for Improving the Education of Women of All Classes by Chapman and Hall, 1881.