William Stevenson

Standard Name: Stevenson, William


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Gaskell
EG's father, William Stevenson, was a radical Unitarian from a seafaring family. He had trained in the ministry and worked as a classics teacher, but later rejected these occupations. He farmed unsuccessfully for...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Gaskell
EG was early encouraged in private writing. As a child she wrote exuberant letters full of stories to her family and friends, informal travel writings, and when she was in her teens her brother and...
Intertextuality and Influence Jean Marishall
The title-page of Clarinda Cathcart quotes from the poems of Stephenson (probably the recently-published William Stevenson, though just possibly Matthew Stevenson, whose poems dated from a century back, or even some poet who...


1575: The very early comedy Gammer Gurtons Nedle,...

Writing climate item


The very early comedy Gammer Gurtons Nedle, by Mr S., M[aste]r of Art (William Stevenson), was printed by Thomas Colwell.
Still, John et al. Gammar Gurtons Nedle. Editor Brett-Smith, H. F. B., Basil Blackwell, 1939.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press, 2002, 2 vols.


Still, John et al. Gammar Gurtons Nedle. Editor Brett-Smith, H. F. B., Basil Blackwell, 1939.