Sylvester Woodbridge Beach

Standard Name: Beach, Sylvester Woodbridge


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Family and Intimate relationships Sylvia Beach
SB's father was a dynamic Presbyterian minister who drew powerful parishioners into his fold. In Princeton, New Jersey, the Reverend Sylvester Woodbridge Beach became the pastor for Woodrow Wilson and other history-makers...
Reception Sylvia Beach
SB took the award as a sign that she was confirmed as French. When her father found out he told her, I am so proud of you that I am maudlin.
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Residence Sylvia Beach
SB and her family moved back from Paris to Princeton, New Jersey, where Sylvester Woodbridge Beach was appointed minister of First Presbyterian Church.
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Textual Production Sylvia Beach
SB sent this essay from Paris to her father to be typed. He offered to make corrections that her mother described as ministerial.
qtd. in
Fitch, Noel Riley. Sylvia Beach and the Lost Generation: A History of Literary Paris in the Twenties and Thirties. W. W. Norton, 1983.
Eleanor Beach discreetly took the essay to someone else to...


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