Jill Benton

Standard Name: Benton, Jill


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Naomi Mitchison
In later life NM related her private world of terror and magical incantation to folk and psychological archetypes, and felt that Jung 's theory of collective archetypes accurately represented her childhood imaginings. According to her...
Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Mitchison
NM 's husband was made Lord Mitchison, but she refused to be addressed by her title; biographer Jill Benton says she felt this would violate her identity as a writer.
Who’s Who. Adam and Charles Black, 1849–2025, Annual Volumes.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora, 1992.
Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Mitchison
NM was always intensely involved with her brother Jack , whose family nickname was Boy. According to her biographer Jill Benton , Naomi's love for Jack was erotic as well as sisterly. NM suggests...
Family and Intimate relationships Naomi Mitchison
According to NM 's biographer Jill Benton the Mitchisons sought to articulate new experiences of intimacy and to help invent a better, less violent and more communal world. Two of NM 's extramarital relationships are detailed below.
Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora, 1992.
politics Naomi Mitchison
According to her biographer Jill Benton , however, NM in later life disavowed the label feminist, even though the idea of women's autonomy was always foundational for her. Benton sees the feminist period of...


No timeline events available.


Benton, Jill. Naomi Mitchison: A Biography. Pandora, 1992.