Michael Lund

Standard Name: Lund, Michael


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Literary responses Elizabeth Gaskell
Early twentieth-century critics represented EG as a thoroughly domestic and womanly woman—Lord David Cecil in Early Victorian Novelists described her as the typical Victorian woman: gentle, domestic, tactful, unintellectual, prone to tears, easily...
Publishing Elizabeth Gaskell
She was paid £300 for the serial form of the book, £50 more than initially promised. This, her first serialised novel, produced fierce arguments with Dickens over everything from the overall length to the conclusions...
Textual Features George Eliot
Despite GE 's struggle with serial publication, she did exploit it to her purposes. Critics Linda K. Hughes and Michael Lund note that Romola seems to many readers to move precipitously from her decision to...
Textual Features Elizabeth Gaskell
A recurring theme in Cranford is the resistance to change of this insular group—who are convinced, for instance, that robberies must be perpetrated by strangers and that a Signor Brunoni, who turns out to...


No timeline events available.


Hughes, Linda K., and Michael Lund. The Victorian Serial. University Press of Virginia, 1991.
Hughes, Linda K., and Michael Lund. Victorian Publishing and Mrs. Gaskell’s Work. University Press of Virginia, 1999.