qtd. in
Nicholls, C. S. Elspeth Huxley. HarperCollins, 2002.
Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Dedications | Elspeth Huxley | |
Friends, Associates | Elspeth Huxley | EH
's family background and her career in journalism brought her a large acquaintance. She built warm relationships with some who were professionally involved in that career, like Harold Raymond
(with his wife, Vera
)... |
Occupation | Elizabeth Jane Howard | In winter 1953 EJH
, aged about thirty, became an editor at Chatto and Windus
, which was then run by Norah Smallwood
and Ian Parsons
. She read submitted manuscripts, wrote reports on them... |
Publishing | Rumer Godden | After long prodding from Jon's publisher, Norah Smallwood
of Chatto and Windus
, the two sisters followed this with Shiva's Pigeons: An Experience of India, 1972 (which deals with the period immediately after the... |
Publishing | Elspeth Huxley | She worked at this book during 1947, disturbed at the news that the US journalist Negley Farson
was planning a rival book on the same subject. (When his Last Chance in Africa appeared in 1949... |
Publishing | Elspeth Huxley | She began this book by April 1955, but her writing was interrupted when her mother arrived from Kenya to spend three months in England. Nicholls, C. S. Elspeth Huxley. HarperCollins, 2002. 265 |
Publishing | Elspeth Huxley | Publishing this book (nearly twenty years after EH
's most recent novel) was the final professional collaboration between Elspeth and Norah
, who died two years later. |
Publishing | Elspeth Huxley | |
Publishing | Elspeth Huxley | Also during the 1960s, her immense productivity led her into difficulties over tax (partly because of the taxing, at that date, of married couples as a single unit). In 1965-6 her tax demand was £1,800... |
Publishing | Elspeth Huxley | It had illustrations by Delia Delderfield
. British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo. |
Publishing | Iris Murdoch | It was dedicated to Rosemary Cramp
, who had been IM
's student and later her colleague. Later this year it was suggested that IM
's publisher, Chatto
, ought to have edited her work... |
Publishing | Iris Murdoch | She dedicated it to Arnoldo Momigliano
, an Italian-Jewish philosopher with whom she had had an affair, and had remained friends. She repelled an effort by Carmen Callil
(who had just succeeded Norah Smallwood
at... |
Reception | Iris Murdoch | British Book News approved what it saw as IM
's abandonment of the deliberately eccentric and inconsequential approach of the earlier novels [for] a straightforward tale of the conflict between love and conventional social obligations... |
Textual Production | Elspeth Huxley | Her mother had told her she could do better than Isak Dinesen
when Out of Africa first appeared in 1937. EH
's first draft was a novel called The Vertical Rays of the Sun... |
No timeline events available.
No bibliographical results available.