George Gershwin

Standard Name: Gershwin, George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Edith Sitwell
ES had many friendships, and there were few notables in the artistic world whom she did not meet. Her friendships were quite volatile, with frequent quarrels, sometimes caused by the practical jokes and the heightened...
Reception Gertrude Stein
Capitalizing on the opera's success, Macy's department store advertised Four Suits in Three Acts.
Hobhouse, Janet. Everybody Who was Anybody: A Biography of Gertrude Stein. Doubleday, 1975.
The opera was a resounding success. George Gershwin and Arturo Toscanini were in attendance at the Broadway premiere. GS
Textual Features Ali Smith
The subject of voice appears in a more darkly humorous aspect in The Child, wherein the woman narrator finds a baby mysteriously present in her shopping cart. The baby proceeds to spout all manner...
Textual Production Ali Smith
The title (from a Gershwinbrothers song of the 1930s in which the disagreements are about the pronunciation of words like, for instance, tomato) suggests a comic or frivolous approach to the subject.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Maya Angelou
This is the volume which covers MA 's first marriage, but it gives more space and energy to work and friendships, especially to her development in music, singing, and dancing, her audition on Broadway...


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