The poems in pastoral form include religious meditations, hymns for Christmas, Easter, and other Christian festivals, love complaints, and addresses to abstracts such as Pride and Sincerity. Despair is a dramatic mini-narrative, beginning Moments on...
Intertextuality and Influence
Charlotte Lennox
Many of these poems, nevertheless, tackle knotty subject-matter. On Reading Hutchinson on the Passions responds to Francis Hutcheson
's Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections, 1728. Since Hutcheson was...
1725: Francis Hutcheson published anonymously,...
Writing climate item
Francis Hutcheson
published anonymously, in two separate forms, An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, in two treatises, one on aesthetics (beauty, order, harmony, design) and one...
1755: Francis Hutcheson's A System of Moral Philosophy...
Building item
Francis Hutcheson
's A System of Moral Philosophy appeared posthumously (expanded from A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy, 1747, and its Latin version, 1745). As well as presenting God as benevolent and the passions...
1759: Adam Smith published with the Scottish firm...